Lane Scher’s PhD thesis defense: “Global change and avian biodiversity”

Join us next Tuesday, Lane will present her public PhD seminar entitled:
“The effects of global change on avian biodiversity”
3:30 pm, April 18
Field Auditorium
Reception follows on Grainger Hall roof. If you can’t join in person, Zoom here.
Avian communities have declined dramatically over the last several decades. I discuss how massive data, much of it crowd-sourced, can be used to understand and anticipate declines. Beginning with a comparison of two widely-used bird monitoring datasets, I identify and quantify biases in reporting rates. Next, I use the data to understand how winter climate and food availability influence bird movements and distributions. Finally, I demonstrate a novel modeling framework that expands the utility of joint species distribution models and apply it to the dynamics of a brood parasite and its host species.