in Global Change Biology: Fish community dynamics with climate change

in Global Change Biology: Fish community dynamics with climate change

Understanding biodiversity change is complicated by the fact that populations respond to climate and other species both through change in abundance and movement. Thirty years of fisheries data from the Gulf of Maine show that the mechanisms driving biomass trends vary across space, time, and species… [more]

Dynamics in the Gulf of Maine. (a) Prior and posterior food webs. Arrow width and color denote magnitude and direction of relationship, respectively. (b) Contributions to dynamics, averaged across strata. Density-independent and density-dependent growth correspond to environment–species and species–species interactions, respectively. (c) Phase planes examining haddock and cod biomass under environmental conditions in the years 1989 and 2000. Yellow points are estimated fixed points, and shaded area denotes range of observed biomass.

Tang, B., Roberts, S. M., Clark, J. S., & Gelfand, A. E. (2023). Mechanistic modeling of climate effects on redistribution and population growth in a community of fish species. Global Change Biology, 29, 6399–6414.

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