Collaborators include contributors of data from long-term plots and through the iNaturalist project MASTIF. Below are affiliations for those contributing plot data.
PI | |
AdDa | Adrian Das |
AmWh | Amy Whipple |
AnCu | Andrea Cutini |
AnHa | Andrew HacketPain |
AnMa | Anders Marell |
AnWi | Andreas Wion |
ArGu | Arthur Guignabert |
ArHa | Arndt Hampe |
BaSe | Barbara Seget |
BeCo | Benoit Courbaud |
BiMc | Bill McShea |
BoWr | Boyd Wright |
CaGe | Catherine Gering |
CaGr | Cathryn Greenberg |
CaPe | Calos Perez-Izquierdo |
ChCh | Chia-Hao Chang-Yang |
ChMo | Chris Moore |
ChNu | Chase Nunez |
DaAs | Davide Ascoli |
DaBe | Daniel Berveiller |
DaBr | Dale Brockway |
DaKa | Daisuke Kabeya |
DiMa | Diana Macias |
ElMc | Elliot McIntire |
ElWr | Elaine Wright |
EmMo | Emily Moran |
ErSh | Erin Shanahan |
EvDa | Evangelia Daskalakou |
FrCh | Francesco Chianucci |
FrCo | Francois Courbet |
FrLe | Francois Lefevre |
FrRo | Francisco Rodriguez-Sanchez |
GeGr | Georg Gratzer |
GeKu | George Kunstler |
GiVa | Giorgio Vacchiano |
GrGi | Greg Gilbert |
HeDa | Hendrik Davi |
HiKu | Hiroko Kurokawa |
I-Su | I-Fang Sun |
IaPe | Ian Pearse |
IgPr | Ignacio Pramos |
InIb | Ines Ibanez |
IsFe | Istem Fer |
JaCl | James Clark |
JaHi | Janneke HilleRisLambers |
JaLa | Jalene LaMontagne |
JaSa | Javier Sanguinetti |
JaSt | Jacob Straub |
JeCa | Jesus Camarero |
JeCh | Jerome Chave |
JeFr | Jerry Franklin |
JeKn | Jean Knops |
JeLi | JeanMarc Limousin |
JeOu | JeanMarc Ourcival |
JiJo | Jill Johnstone |
JoEs | Josep Espelta |
JoMy | Jonathan Myers |
JoPo | John Poulson |
JoWr | Joe Wright |
JuNo | Julian Norghauer |
KaHo | Kazuhiko Hoshizaki |
KaZh | Kai Zhu |
KyNo | Kyotaro Noguchi |
KyRo | Kyle Rodman |
LaDo | Laurent Dormon |
LuPi | Lukasz Piechnik |
MaAr | MarieClaire AravenaAcuna |
MaCa | Maxime Cailleret |
MaLe | Mateusz Ledwon |
MaUr | Maria Uriarte |
MaZy | Magdalena Zywiec |
MiBo | Michal Bogdziewicz |
MiDi | Mike Dietze |
MiFe | Michael Fenner |
MiHa | Michael Hanley |
MiOg | Michio Oguro |
MiRe | Miranda Redmond |
MiSh | Mitsue Shibata |
MiSi | Miles Silman |
MiSt | Michael Steele |
NaSt | Nathan Stephenson |
NiDe | Nicolas Delpierre |
QiHa | Qingmin Han |
RaBo | Raul Bonal |
RaCa | Rafael Calama |
ReMo | Renzo Motta |
RiKo | Richard Kobe |
RoBe | Roberta Berretta |
RoZl | Roman Zlotin |
ScPe | Scott Pearson |
SeDo | Sergio DonosoCalderon |
ShNa | Shoji Naoe |
SuCo | Susan Cohen |
SyDe | Sylvain Delzon |
TeLe | Ted Leininger |
ThBo | Thomas Boivin |
ThCa | Thomas Caignard |
ThKi | Thomas Kitzberger |
ThWh | Thomas Whitham |
ToPo | Tomasz Podgorski |
WaKo | Walt Koenig |
WiFa | William Farfan |
WiSc | William Schlesinger |
YaMe | Yassine Messaoud |
YvBe | Yves Bergeron |