Georges Kunstler webinar on MASTIF in the Research Center on Alpine Ecosytems
The Research Center on Alpine Ecosystems (CREA Mont Blanc) has announced that the citizen science MASTIF study will become part of its phenology monitoring in France. Founded in 1996 and based in Chamonix, CREA Mont-Blanc has specialized in the study of natural mountain environments. For over 20 years, CREA Mont-Blanc has been combining high quality ecological research with communication and education initiatives. CREA Mont-Blanc is a pioneer and leader of citizen science in France and maintains a strong commitment to participatory science, aiming not only to encourage the understanding of ecology, but also to directly involve the public in innovative scientific research.
Georges Kunstler, from INRAE’s Laboratoire Écosystèmes et Sociétés en Montagne, is a PI on the MASTIF project and an administrator of the MASTIF iNaturalist Project. He will host a webinar on MASTIF in CREA on Monday 21 August, join especially if you plan to visit central Europe this year: