Treehaven – TREE

Treehaven – TREE

89.570 W, 45.488 N

seed trap establishment: August 2018

Jordan Luongo, Hanitua Teai

seed collection and crop count:

June 2019: Samantha Sutton, Alex Veith

The 560-ha Treehaven Forest lies within the northern Great Lakes region south of Rhinelander, Wisconsin. Operated by the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, this site focuses on natural resource education.  The area includes an ancient glacial ridge with surrounding forest and wetlands. The site visit was facilitated by Peter Weishampel, NEON domain manager.

Monthly effective precipitation over the last five years (left) and annual values since 1960 (right). At left are shown winter surpluses in blue and summer deficits in orange. At right are annual anomalies in minimum winter temperature and annual deficit.

Plot 6 is an open stand near road access. The dominant species include Pinus strobus, Pinus resinosa, Picea glauca, Acer rubrum and Populus tremuloides. This recently burned site now supports a dense herbaceous layer of ferns, thistles, and briars.

Bog area in Plot 15

Plot 15 is located on a hillslope with Abies balsamea and A. rubra that descends to a bog with Thuja occidentalis. Ferns, moss and A. balsamea seedlings line the forest floor.

Lone P. strobus in plot 5

Plot 5 extends from a river bank. The canopy consists of one large P. strobus above dense 4-m tall speckled alder and sawgrass in the herbaceous layer. Animal paths are evident throughout the sawgrass.

Plot 7 is located in a dense field of 2 to 3 m tall P. tremuloides saplings. The open canopy consists of two large P. resinosa trees.

Plot 2 is a recently thinned stand of P. strobus. The understory consists of A. rubrum, ferns, briars, with young A. balsamea and P. glauca trees. To include the sparse P. strobus canopy we mapped trees in the 40 x 40 meter area.

Plot 14 slopes from an open stand in the northwest downhill to dense 5 m tall aspen saplings. The canopy supports a mixture of Prunus serotine, A. rubrum, P. resinosa and A. balsamea, which have not yet reached maturity.

Plot 1 includes recently thinned P. strobus sloping steeply from P. glauca and A. rubrum in the north to a creek fringed with A. balsamea.  Despite the size of large P. strobus trees few cones were detected.

Sparse canopy at plot 3

Plot 3 is an open savannah with a grass and fern herbaceous layer. The canopy is dominated by A. rubrum and A. saccharum, with a few P. tremuloides.

Plot 4 lies within a bog dominated by T. occidentalis and A. balsamea. The ground layer is covered with sphagnum moss, grasses, ferns and A. balsamea seedlings.

Plot 8 is a riparian alder stand bordering the river. The mature alders are both black and speckled with animal trails leading through the grasses between. The canopy is sparse, with few T. occidentalis loaded with cones.


Mapped plots above show trees mapped by NEON, DUKE, and locations of six seed traps.  Mapping is incomplete.

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