Callaway Forest Preserve (CALL)
plot establishment: April 2019
Jim Clark, Jordan Luongo, Samantha Sutton, Alex Veith
seed collection and crop count:
August 2019, January 2020, June 2020
This sandhills site is owned and managed by the The Nature Conservancy for longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) and wildlife habitat. Prescribed burning occurs at approximately two-yr intervals. Red cockaded woodpeckers occupy the site. Longleaf savannas also support hardwoods including Quercus nigra, Q. laevis, Q. marilandica, Q. margarettae, Q. velutina, Q. incana, Carya glabra, C. pallida, Diospyros virginiana, and Sassafras albidum. Bottomlands include Nyssa sylvatica, Persea borbonia, and Liriodendron tulipifera.
Two plots have been established. CALL_PIPA is a circular, 54-m diameter plot in upland longleaf savanna with wiregrass understory. Because only longleaf occurs on this plot, sampling is limited to mapping, tree attributes, and crop counts–there are no seed traps.
CALL_HDWD takes in the transition from bottomland hardwoodswamp to upland longleaf pine. This 50 m x 40 m plot was set in April 2019, includes both crop counts and seed traps.