Spring 2021 Seminar Series

Duke Integrated Toxicology & Environmental Health Program

Spring 2021 Seminar Series (Pharm 848-S/ENV 848-S)

Thursdays 12:00 – 1:15 p.m. Eastern Time

*All seminars will be live-streamed on Zoom. Registration is required.*

Register HERE to receive a seminar’s Zoom link.  Separate registration required for each seminar you want to attend.

Jan 14 Kathleen Hershberger, PhD, Grinnell College Dept. of Biology; Persistent mitochondrial and epigenetic effects of early-life arsenic exposure in C. elegans

Jan 21 Janine Santos, PhD, National Toxicology Program, NIEHS / NIH; Mitochondrial toxicity-mediated regulation of the nuclear epigenome

Jan 28 Caresse Gerald, PhD, North Carolina Central University Dept. of Environmental, Earth, and Geospatial Sciences; Hog Barn Dust Mediates Inflammation and Reactive Oxygen Species

Feb 4 Robert Nelson, PhD, University of Richmond Digital Scholarship Lab; LaDale Winling, PhD, Virginia Tech Dept. of History; Mapping Inequalities: Redlining and its Contemporary Legacies

Feb 11 Jason Podrabsky, PhD, Portland State University Dept. of Biology and Center for Life in Extreme in Environments; Environmental control of development and diapause in embryos of annual killifish: Epigenetic responses to environmental cues

Feb 18 Larisa Gearhart-Serna, PhD candidate in Pathology and ITEHP, Duke University School of Medicine; Investigating the Role of Environmental Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Exposure on Breast Tumor Progression

Feb 25 Ke Dong, PhD, Duke University Dept. of Biology; Voltage-gated sodium channels as targets of pyrethroid insecticides

Mar 4 Rose Schrott, PhD candidate in Environment and ITEHP, Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment; Effects of cannabis on the sperm epigenome: A budding concern

Mar 11 BREAK

Mar 18 Patty Lee, MD, Duke University Dept. of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care; Environmental Modifiers of Age-related Lung Dysfunction

Mar 19-20    Environmental Justice Symposium (co-sponsor, student-run, separate registration required)

Mar 25 Kirsten Overdahl, PhD candidate in Environment and ITEHP, Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment; Characterizing Exposure, Metabolism, and In Vitro Effects of Azobenzene Disperse Dyes in the Indoor Environment

Apr 1 Folami Ideraabdullah, PhD, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill; Role of parental genotype in driving offspring susceptibility to pesticide exposure

Apr 8 Gustavo Silva, PhD, Duke University Dept. of Biology; K63 ubiquitin and translation control in response to oxidative stress

Apr 15 Patricia Schulte, PhD, University of British Columbia Dept. of Zoology; Intraspecific variation in the response to environmental stressors: Insights for fish conservation in a changing world

Apr 22 Tess Leuthner, PhD candidate in Environment and ITEHP, Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment; Effects of evolution and pollution on mitochondrial DNA mutagenesis

Apr 29 Alicia Pickrell, PhD, Virginia Tech School of Neuroscience; The Role of PINK1 and Parkin in the Pathogenesis of Parkinson’s Disease and Cancer

This seminar series is supported in part by the National Institute Of Environmental Health Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under the Duke University Superfund Research Program (award P42ES010356) and the Duke University Program in Environmental Health (award T32ES021432). Seminar content is solely the responsibility of the speakers and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.

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