Duke Integrated Toxicology & Environmental Health Program
Spring 2022 Seminar Series (ENVIRON 848-S/Pharm 848-S)
Thursdays 12:00 – 1:15 p.m. Eastern Time
Update March 31, 2022: In-person attendance is now open to all, regardless of Duke affiliation. In-person attendees are required to wear a mask in the classroom and are expected to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
In-Person Location: Field Auditorium Room 1112, Grainger Hall, Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment (except where otherwise noted)
Masks are REQURED. Per campus policy, all Duke faculty, staff, students, and visitors must wear masks while indoors in a classroom setting, regardless of vaccination status.
Virtual Attendance: Register HERE to receive the Zoom link for our entire Spring series!
You only need to register ONCE to receive the link for the entire series.
Remote participation is open to ALL, regardless of Duke affiliation.
Jan 6 Mercedes A Bravo, PhD; Assistant Research Professor, Duke Global Health Institute, Duke University; Disparate Exposures, Disparate Outcomes: Environmental and Neighborhood Conditions *ZOOM ONLY*
Jan 13 Kasturi Mitra, PhD; WellcomeTrust-DBT India Alliance Senior Fellow; University of Alabama, Birmingham; Ashoka University, NCR-Delhi, India; Mitochondria driven priming of a stem/progenitor cell state: possible impact of the environment *ZOOM ONLY*
Jan 20 Savannah Volkoff, PhD; Environmental Engineer, Geosyntec Consultants, Inc; Using Historical Documentation and Chemical Forensics to Evaluate Sources of PAH-Contamination in Sediment *ZOOM ONLY*
Jan 27 Christine E Crute, BS; PhD Candidate in Environment, Integrated Toxicology & Environmental Health Program, Duke University; Evaluating the Maternal, Fetal, and Placental Effects of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Exposure During Pregnancy *ZOOM ONLY*
Feb 3 Bora Jin, MA; PhD Candidate, Statistical Science department, Duke University; Bayesian matrix completion for chemical activity using ToxCast data *ZOOM ONLY*
Feb 10 Samantha C Lewis, PhD; Assistant Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of California, Berkeley; Regulation of mitochondrial genome ploidy in animal cells *ZOOM ONLY* *Being rescheduled to a future date*
Feb 10 Robert Tighe, MD; Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, & Critical Care, Duke University School of Medicine; Assistant Professor of Environmental Sciences & Policy, Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment; Susceptibility to Pulmonary Effects of Air Pollution, More Than Just Genetics” *ZOOM ONLY*
Feb 17 Sam Hall; PhD Candidate in Environment, Integrated Toxicology & Environmental Health Program; Duke University; Characterizing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) exposure and effects in North Carolina communities
Feb 24 Alison P Sanders, PhD; Assistant Professor, Environmental & Occupational Health; University of Pittsburgh, School of Public Health; Toxic metals and kidney function among susceptible populations: implications for postpartum and long-term health *Being rescheduled to a future date*
Mar 3 Akhenaton-Andrew (Andrew) D Jones, III, PhD; Assistant Professor, Duke University, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Affiliate Duke Materials Initiative; Old hat, new hat: novel and not so novel reactions of bacteria to nanomaterials
Mar 10 Spring Break
Mar 17 David C Volz, PhD; Professor & Chair, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of California, Riverside; Exposure and Health Effects of Tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TDCIPP) within Inland Southern California Commuters
Mar 25 Coal Ash Symposium (separate registration required)
Mar 31 Charles D Rice, PhD; Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Clemson University; Emerging views of immunotoxicology in light of emerging views of the role of inflammation in homeostasis *Moved to May 5*
Apr 7 Nicole R Sparks, PhD; NIH MOSAIC K99 Postdoctoral Fellow; Department of Molecular, Cell & Systems Biology; University of California, Riverside; Toxicant-disrupted transcriptional regulation skews osteoblastogenesis *NEW LOCATION: Physics Building (120 Science Dr), room 128*
Apr 14 Iain Drummond, PhD; Professor and Director, Kathryn W Davis Center for Regenerative Biology and Aging, Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory; Kidney injury and regeneration in the zebrafish
May 5 Charles D Rice, PhD; Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Clemson University; Emerging views of immunotoxicology in light of emerging views of the role of inflammation in homeostasis *ZOOM ONLY*
This seminar series is supported in part by the National Institute Of Environmental Health Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under the Duke University Superfund Research Program (award P42ES010356) and the Duke University Program in Environmental Health (award T32ES021432). Seminar content is solely the responsibility of the speakers and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.