ITEHP PhD student, Kate Morton, won the Irwin Fridovich Young Investigator Award (one of the top two scored abstracts/presentations at the 2024 meeting of the Society for Redox Biology and Medicine). Irwin Fridovich was a Duke biochemist famous for discovering and describing the important antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase. Her talk […]
In November 2023, ITEHP and ENV doctoral student, Kate Morton, won a Young Investigator Award at the Society for Redox Biology and Medicine Annual Conference in Punta del Este, Uruguay. Her research, titled “Investigating the Role of the Glyoxylate Shunt in Protection from Complex I Inhibitor-Induced Dopaminergic Neurodegeneration in C. elegans” […]
Rebecca Hoehn in the Stapleton lab Rebecca Hoehn, 3rd-year ITEHP PhD student, is the lead author of the now highly-publicized study, “Flame Retardant Exposure in Vehicles Is Influenced by Use in Seat Foam and Temperature.” Rebecca, in collaboration with researchers from Duke, Green Science Policy Institute, and the University of […]
At this year’s annual Society of Toxicology meeting, Shaza Gaballah, PhD candidate, won a graduate student travel award for her presentation in the Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology Specialty (RDTSS) Section. Shaza previously won 1st place at SOT for an RDTSS Student Poster Award in 2019. Congratulations, Shaza! Shaza Gaballah (left) […]
Join us on Friday, September 23, 2022, for our Fall Symposium: The Duke University Superfund Research Center! In this symposium, speakers will describe the NIEHS Superfund Research Program, celebrate the >20-year work of the Duke University Superfund Research Center (DUSRC), and describe exciting future directions and opportunities. You’ll have the opportunity to […]
Two ITEHP students were invited to present on their research at the 13th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens in Ottawa, Canada this week! Tess Leuthner, PhD (ITEHP class of ’22), presented her work entitled, “Resistance of mitochondrial DNA to cadmium and Aflatoxin B1-induced germline mutations over 50 generations of exposure […]
Most people are familiar with the toxic effects of lead on the body. But did you know that the lead from hunting ammunition can transfer into the bloodstream of the animal and ultimately into the people who eat that meat? William Pan, DrPH and ITEHP faculty, and his team studied […]
Dr. Claudia Gunsch, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and ITEHP faculty member, is the the Director of the new Engineering Research Center for Precision Microbiome Engineering (PreMiEr), one of four recently created National Science Foundation (NSF) Engineering Research Centers. The PreMiEr project, collaborative with researchers from four other NC […]
We are pleased to announce the speaker lineup for our Toxicology & Environmental Health Fall 2022 Seminar Series. Seminars will be held on Fridays from 12:00-1:15 pm Eastern Time, beginning on September 2, 2022. Our Fall series features 12 speakers representing diverse fields of study, with topics ranging from inhalation […]
Research by Liping Feng, MD, and Heather Stapleton, PhD, both faculty members of ITEHP, was recently featured in a Duke Today article. Together, they are working to explore the effects of exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFAS, collectively) on maternal and fetal health. PFAS are used in everyday applications where […]
Our spring symposium focuses on coal ash – how safe is it and how should we manage it? What are the environmental risks of coal ash and how are they typically managed at coal plants? Are there health effects associated with exposure to coal ash? What should be done to […]
We are pleased to announce the speaker lineup for our Toxicology & Environmental Health Spring 2022 Seminar Series. Seminars will be held on Thursdays from 12:00-1:15 pm Eastern Time, beginning on THIS WEEK on January 6, 2022. Our Spring series features 13 speakers from diverse fields of study. Visit our […]
The research of three ITEHP faculty – Drs. Heather Stapleton, Jim Zhang, and Rich Di Giulio – are featured in the Fall 2021 issue of Duke Environment Magazine as breakthroughs in the field of environmental and human health. Their vital work is paving the way for healthier futures. Read the […]
Kirsten Overdahl successfully defended her PhD dissertation entitled, “Characterizing Exposures and In Vitro Effects of Azobenzene Disperse Dyes in the Indoor Environment”, on October 27, 2021. Kirsten was co-advised during her time at Duke by P. Lee Ferguson, PhD, and Heather Stapleton, PhD. Having earned her PhD in Environment and […]
We invite HBCU students and alumni interested in ITEHP to The Duke University IDEALS Office HBCU Recruitment Event this Thursday, September 23, 2021, from 4-6 pm Eastern! This virtual event will introduce talented prospective applicants to Duke School of Medicine PhD programs and support mechanisms. (Being interdisciplinary in nature, ITEHP […]