Our seminar speaker on Friday, November 10, from 12:00 – 1:20pm in Field Auditorium, Environment Hall, will be our own Jessica Brandt, a 5th year UPEH/ITEHP PhD candidate in Dr. Rich Di Giulio and Dr. Emily Bernhardt’s labs. She will be speaking about “Tracing coal ash through aquatic food webs: enrichment, bioaccumulation, and […]
Yearly Archives: 2017
Our speaker this Friday, November 3, is Dr. Andrew Whitehead from UC Davis. We be in Field Auditorium, Environment Hall, on Duke’s West Campus, for his talk from 12:00 pm – 1:20 pm. Please join us! Dr. Whitehead will be speaking about “The Solution to Pollution is … Evolution? The Genomic Basis of Rapid Adaptation in Killfish.” The abstract […]
A friendly reminder about the upcoming Friday, October 27, UPEH/ITEHP Seminar from 12:00 pm – 1:20 pm in Love Auditorium, LSRC B101, on Duke’s West Campus. Laura Maurer, PhD, MPH, will be speaking about “Applying toxicological data to regulatory decision making.” Dr. Maurer was postdoc in the Nicholas School from […]
Please join us on Friday, October 20, at 12:00 pm in Field Auditorium, Environment Hall, to hear Dr. Robert Tighe speak about “Links between pulmonary macrophage function and environmental exposures.” Dr. Tighe is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Duke University School of Medicine within the Pulmonary, Allergy and […]
Please join us on Friday, October 13, at 12:00 pm in Field Auditorium, Environment Hall, to hear Dr. Chris Kassotis speak about “Mechanisms of adipogenic activity of environmental contaminants and mixture.” Dr. Kassotis is currently an NRSA postdoctoral research fellow in the Nicholas School of the Environment. He works in […]
On Friday, October 6, at 12:00 pm in Environment Hall’s Field Auditorium, Dr. Rebecca Fry will present a talk entitled “The Placental Epigenome as a Driver of the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease.“ Dr. Fry serves as the Director of the UNC Superfund Research Program and is a professor with the […]
On Friday, September 29, at 12:00 pm in Environment Hall’s Field Auditorium, Dr. Andrea Baccarelli will present a talk entitled “Mitochondriomics and Epigenetics in Human Air Pollution Studies – New Findings and Methodological Challenges.” Dr. Baccarelli serves as the Environmental Health Sciences Department Chair and the Director of the Laboratory of […]
Join us on Friday, September 22! A Superfund-themed symposium will be held in Environment Hall on Duke University’s West Campus from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. Bill Suk, PhD, Director of the Superfund Research Program at NIEHS, will give a keynote lecture to start the day. Investigators from each of the […]
The UPEH Application is now available online at The Duke Graduate School website! The deadline is December 8 (listed under “Integrated Toxicology and Environmental Health”) for Fall 2018 admission. Please go here for more information about the application process. If you have specific questions, please email Sarah Phillips.
Charlotte Clark, PhD, and Elizabeth Shapiro-Garza, PhD, the directors of the Duke University Superfund Research Center’s Research Translation Core (RTC) and Community Engagement Core (CEC), respectively, will present an overview of the goals and current research projects of the RTC and the newly-established CEC, with a focus on how […]
The UPEH 2017 Fall Symposium will be dedicated to the Superfund Research Center. Please meet in Field Auditorium in Environment Hall on Duke University’s West Campus for registration and a light breakfast at 8:30 am. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP HERE. If you need a parking pass, […]
As of Spring 2017, the Duke Superfund Research Center has been renewed for an additional five-year grant cycle. The new center will support five research projects as well as six outreach and training programs/cores. The focus of the center will remain on exploring early life exposure to toxic chemicals that affect development […]
The 2017 Fall Forum, organized by the Duke Environmental Health Scholars Program, will be held at the 21C Museum Hotel in Durham, NC, from November 30 – December 1. The Forum will create functional interactions to bring about changes in the environment, make new connections both in the community and political […]
Last seminar of the semester this Friday April 14th! Our speaker will be Dr. Kate Hoffman discussing “Perinatal Exposure to Flame Retardant Chemicals and Impacts on Children’s Growth and Development.” Again, we will meet in Love Auditorium (LSRC B101). Food will be set up in the hall of science just […]
There are two toxicology seminars left this semester! This Friday April 7th join us in Love Auditorium (LSRC B101) to hear from Dr. Stephanie Smith-Roe from NIEHS on “Testing Botanicals at the National Toxicology Program: Black Cohosh Extract as a Case Study”