Ram Ramabhadran, Ph.D. US EPA (retired) Dr. Ramabhadran joins us for ToxSeminar this Friday, April 11th at Noon. His talk is titled, Tox 21 in the Rearview Mirror: Climbing Everest with Sandals. We are looking forward to Dr. Ramabhadran’s visit and hope you can join us.
Yearly Archives: 2014
Dr. Paul Lioy from Rutgers University will be visiting Duke University on Friday, April 4th. His talk is titled, Exposure Science: The Other Half of Environmental and Human Risk Assessment, and will be presented in LSRC A247 at Noon. This talk is co-sponsored by CEINT and Pratt School of Engineering. […]
Dr. Chuan-Yuan Li will be speaking at ToxSeminar this Friday, March 28, at Noon. Dr. Li is a faculty member in the ITEHP as well as the Departments of Dermatology and Pharmacology & Cancer Biology. The talk is titled, Unexpected Roles of Caspases in Stem Cell Regulations, Carcinogenesis, and Cancer Treatment. […]
On March 7th, ITEHP co-hosted the Spring 2014 Symposium, Cognitive Impairment Caused by Developmental Neurotoxic Exposure: Mechanisms, Consequences and Therapeutic Treatment, at the Searle Center. All images are courtesy of Steve McCaw, NIEHS. Susan Murphy, Ph.D., welcomes guests to the Spring 2014 Symposium, which was hosted by Duke’s […]
Genetics and Environmental Mutagenesis Society GEMS Spring Meeting – April 28, 2014 U.S. EPA, RTP Campus Auditorium THE CARCINOGENICITY OF OUTDOOR AIR POLLUTION In October 2013, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a specialized agency of the World Health Organization (WHO), evaluated outdoor air pollution and […]
This Friday ITEHP PhD Candidate, Simon Roberts, will present his research in a talk titled PBDE Metabolism and Effects on Thyroid Hormone Regulation in Cultured Human Astrocytes. His talk will be held in LSRC A247 from Noon-1:30PM. We hope to see you there!
Air Pollution and Health: A Never-ending Story – Jonathan Samet, MD, MS · March 24, 2014 · 10:00am – 11:05am · French Family Building, Room 2237 Join us for a Global Health Exchange lecture, sponsored by DGHI. This event is free and open to the public so please spread the word to your […]
Congratulations to Dr. Avner Vengosh! Dr. Vengosh has received the Best Science Article Award of 2013 from Environmental Science and Technology for his paper titled, ” Impacts of Shale Gas Wastewater Disposal on Water Quality in Western Pennsylvania.” Co-authors include Nathaniel Warner (PhD, 2013) and Cidney Christie (MEM, 2013). Dr. Vengosh […]
Due to the Spring Symposium, we will not be hosting ToxSeminar this week. If you are looking for the symposium agenda, click here. Unfortunately, registration for this event was required and is currently closed. However, we host a symposium every semester, so keep on eye on our site for info […]
Wei Chou Tseng, ITEHP PhD Candidate, will present a talk titled Somato-dedritic axon initial segment outposts dependent on 480 kDa ankyrin-G organize GABAergic synapses in hippocampal neurons this Friday for ToxSeminar. The seminar will be held in LSRC A247 from Noon to 1:30PM. See you there!
CSETAC 2014 Announcement Clemson University is proud to announce that we will be hosting the 2014 Carolina Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (CSETAC) regional conference from April 24th through April 26th. The conference brings together students, professors, and industry, consulting and government professionals from across North and […]
Reminder: Spring meeting for the North Carolina Society of Toxicology (NC SOT) Regional Chapter, “Systems Toxicology: Integration From the Gene to the Population”. The meeting will be held at the US EPA Main Campus in RTP on Tuesday, March 11. For more information about registration, check out their website!
The 2014 Duke Toxicology Spring Symposium “Cognitive Impairment Caused by Developmental Neurotoxic Exposure: Mechanisms, Consequences and Therapeutic Treatment” will be held March 7, 2014, 9AM-3PM in the Searle Conference Center, Duke University. This symposium is sponsored by the Duke University Integrated Toxicology and Environmental Health Program, Duke Superfund Research Center and […]
Laura Dishaw, an ITEHP Ph.D. Candidate in Heather Stapleton’s lab, presents her research this Friday, February 21 from Noon-1:30PM in LSRC A247. Her talk is titled, Uptake, Metabolism, and Neurodevelopmental Effects of Halogenated Organophosphate Flame Retardants. See you there!
Daniel Baden, Ph.D., the Director of the University of North Carolina Wilimington’s Marine Center, visits Duke this Friday, February 14th to present “From Beach Bedside: Getting our Feet Wet in Translational Marine Science“. We are looking forward to Dr. Baden’s talk, which will be held in LSRC A247 from […]