As part of a recently funded NSF project lead by Mateja Nenadovic (Duke), Xavier Basurto (Duke), Tim Frawley (NOAA), Heather Leslie (U. Of Maine), Fiorenza Michelli (Stanford U), Salvador Rodriguez (Niparajá), Jorge Torre (COBI), and Hudson Weaver (Duke), we are developing the second round of seminar series for this fall on the topic of social-ecological coastal systems across the Americas and their related challenges, opportunities, and solutions under the coordination of María Cecilia Pertuz. The first round of the seminar series took place last fall; you can watch them here.
The aim of this seminar is to build capacity in the US and Latin American students, scholars, and practitioners in SES science with a focus on coastal marine environments. Additionally, we aim to encourage dialogue about SES science, training, and translations for policy and management among US and Latin America researchers and other environmental professionals. The series will recruit folks from throughout the Americas, and we aim to make this an accessible and interactive series. We hope that interactions among students, practitioners, and presenters will be engaging and reciprocal.
All seminars will be virtual. After you register, you will receive a calendar invitation with the zoom link to all four seminars:
Mauricio Castrejón
Universidad de las Américas (EC)
Seminar: Towards the ecosystem approach to fisheries in the Galapagos Marine Reserve: the yellowfin tuna small-scale fishery as a case study
Tuesday 10/25 12-1:15 pm EST
Mauricio Castrejón Recording can be found here: https://duke.zoom.us/rec/play/bgPZ-9aLkbozdSwh_NbdvC-BV9NE_HMitLlNT90nhiC_UKHWSFuAN_9TpO6xCGeXdtdLC2IPd46FQwcg.99Jkbeb9RbLMO8_F?startTime=1666713914000&x_zm_rtaid=AbCzS3G9T-SlIb2g-jPMw.1667318559069.966824fdfdb800309caa6ea2efa80c67&_x_zm_rhtaid=878
María Alejandra Velez
Director of the Center for Studies on Security and Drugs (CESED), Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
Seminario: Gender, Sanction, and Cooperation in Sustainable Natural Resource Management: Experimental Evidence from the Colombian Pacific
Tuesday 11/1 12-1:15 pm EST
Cristiana Simão Seixas
Senior Researcher- Environmental Studies and Research Center (NEPAM)-University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil
Seminar: The eyes and the voices of indigenous peoples from coastal Brazil: an assessment on biodiversity and ecosystem services
Tuesday 11/8 12-1:15 pm EST
Alexis Nakandakari
The Nature Conservancy-Peru Oceans Program
Seminar: Transitioning to equitable approaches in small-scale fisheries in Peru
Last years seminars found here: Last years seminars can be found here: https://dmc.umaine.edu/fall2021_ses_seminars/