Hilary Smith
Maria del Mar Mancha-Cisneros
Crisol Mendez-Medina Crisol Mendez
Maria Isabel Navarro Isa Navarro Sánchez
Jazz Evans
Rijia Yang
Ben Siegelman
Masters in Coastal Environmental Management 2018
Chrissy Hayes
Masters in Coastal Environmental Management
Master's Project: Learning from Performance of Small-scale Fishery Development Projects [link]
Jill Hamilton
Masters in Coastal Environmental Management
Master's Project: Supporting small-scale fisheries: World Bank aid, objectives and interventions over time [link]
Samantha Huff
Research Analyst
Zhuying (Zoey) Xu
Masters in Environmental Management
Master's Project: How Should the Fundacion Gonzalo Rio-Arronte Allocate $15 Million Annually to Address Mexico's Water Problems? [link]
Yongwoo (Jason) Lee
Masters in Environmental Management
Master's Project: How Should the Fundacion Gonzalo Rio-Arronte Allocate $15 Million Annually to Address Mexico's Water Problems? [link] 2017
Elizabeth Clark, Ph.D.
Knauss Marine Policy Fellow
Dissertation: Institutional Innovation: Market Change and Policy Choice in Cooperative Fishery Governance [link]
Leslie Acton, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow at Colorado State University
Dissertation: Negotiating Ocean Territory in Bermuda and the Sargasso Sea [link]
Abby Bennett, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor at Michigan State University
Dissertation: Small-scale Fisheries and the Global Economy: Understanding Common-pool Resource Governance in the Context of Market Pressures, Neoliberal Policies, and Transnational Institutions [link]
Jason Dinh
Duke University Undergraduate Febe Granados
Duke University Undergraduate
Donovan Loh
Duke University Undergraduate
Juliana Mayhew
Masters in Coastal Environmental Management
Master's Project: Perceptions of fisheries management, gill net use and income diversification among small-scale fishers in Belize [link] 2015
Peter Zaykoski
Duke University Research Technician
Guillermo Ortuno Crespo
Duke University Undergraduate
Samantha Emmert
Duke University Undergraduate
Emily Marino
Duke University Undergraduate
Ainsley Smith
Masters in Coastal Environmental Management
Master's Project: A Geospatial Analysis of Mystic Aquarium's Marine Animal Stranding Data [link]
Megan Rayfield
Masters in Coastal Environmental Management
Master's Project: Investigating the relationship between management practices and genetic diversity: a population genetics study of pen shell clam (Atrina tuberculosa) in the Gulf of California, Mexico [link]
Katlyn May
Masters in Coastal Environmental Management
Master's Project: Investigating Best Practices of Conservation Education for the African Wildlife Foundation [link] 2013
Abby Furnish
Masters in Coastal Environmental Management
Master's Project: Evaluation of Triple Bottom Line Impacts of Resourceful Communities' Creating New Economies Fund [link]
Mason Reynolds
Duke University Undergraduate 2012
Leslie Acton
Masters in Coastal Environmental Management
Master's Project: A Preliminary Examination of the Impacts of Faith and Religion in the Use of Common-Pool Resources: The Case of Artisanal Fisheries in Kino Bay and Punta Chueca, Mexico [link]Sharon Benjamin
Masters in Coastal Environmental Management Master's Project: Visualizing Access in New England’s Groundfish Fishery: Examining Access to Fish Dealers Using Geospatial Analysis [link] Current Position: Working for the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA) as a GIS & Fisheries Specialist, contracted through Integrated Statistics.
Nicole Carlozo
Masters in Coastal Environmental Management
Master's Project: Climate Adaptation in North Carolina: Assessing Coastal Habitat for Natural Shoreline Stabilization [link
Megan Jungwiwattanaporn
Masters in Coastal Environmental Management
Master's Project: Towards More Standardization in the Collecting and Reporting of Marine Ecosystem Service Valuations [link]
Connie Liu
Duke University Marine Lab, 2010 - 2012.
Current Position: International Affairs Associate at the American College of Cardiology in Washington, DC.Douglas Perron
Masters in Coastal Environmental Management Master's Project: Physical and Program Options for the Inland Migration of Louisiana's Coastal Wetlands in Response to Relative Sea Level Rise [link]
Lindsay Spurrier
Masters in Coastal Environmental Management
Master's Project: An analysis of restoration projects to inform partnerships for wetland mitigation in southeast Alaska [link]Saiontoni Sarkar
Research Technician, 2011 - 2012. Current Position: Masters Student, School of Marine & Environmental Affairs, University of Washington.
Patricia Elena Villegas
Masters in Coastal Environmental Management
Master's Project: A Preliminary Evaluation of The State of the World's Sea Turtles (SWOT) Program [link] 2011
Kaitlyn Bedick
Masters in Coastal Environmental Management Master's Project: Describing Challenges Facing Marine Protected Area Effectiveness and the Potential Role of Certification Programs: A Case Study of Turtle Harbour in Utila, Honduras [link]Mary Clark
Masters in Coastal Environmental Management Master's Project: Effort Management in the Maine Lobster Fishery [link]
Jessica Daniel
Masters in Ecosystem Science and Conservation
Master's Project: Determining Local Perceptions and Challenges for Environmental Conservation in Utila, Honduras [link]Sarah Finn
Masters in Coastal Environmental Management Master's Project: A Holistic Approach to Reducing Plastic Marine Debris in Coastal North Carolina [link]
Caitlin Hamer
Masters in Coastal Environmental Management
Master's Project: An Evaluation of Marine Education Facilities in Carteret County, North Carolina [link]
Elise Leduc
Masters in Coastal Environmental Management
Master's Project: An Evaluation of GIS Prioritizations for Selecting Wetland Mitigation Sites: Cook Inlet Case Study [link]Cassie Ornell
Masters in Coastal Environmental Management Master's Project: A Holistic Approach to Reducing Plastic Marine Debris in Coastal North Carolina [link]
Aaron Ramus
Bookhout Research Scholar
Research: Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the pen shell Atrina tuberculosa from the Gulf of California (pen shell population genetics)
Current Position: M.S. Marine Biology Candidate, University of North Carolina WilmingtonKirby Rootes-Murdy
Masters in Coastal Environmental Management Master's Project: Working towards environmental restoration through small scale engagement in coastal North Carolina [link] 2010