Donald P. McDonnell, PhD, Glaxo-Wellcome Distinguished Professor of Molecular Cancer Biology in the School of Medicine, Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology, Professor in Medicine, and ITEHP faculty, was recently recognized with this year’s Brinker Award for Scientific Distinction in Basic Science by Susan G. Komen®, the world’s leading breast cancer organization. Dr. McDonnell’s research is focused primarily on the pharmaceutical exploitation of the estrogen receptors as therapeutic targets in breast cancer, as well as defining how these receptors influence the pathogenesis of the disease. These efforts have led to the discovery of several drugs that are currently being evaluated in the clinic as cancer therapeutics, and to the identification of potential biomarkers and predictors of response that can help to target the use of these new drugs.
The Brinker Award is Komen’s highest scientific honor, which recognizes pioneering work in breast cancer research and treatment.
Read more about this exciting announcement HERE!