April 18, 2024: Understanding Charged Species Transport in Bacterial Biofilms via Modelling, Experiments and Simulations

Joshua Prince, PhD Candidate

Civil and Environmental Engineering Department

Duke University

Program: Integrated Toxicology and Environmental Health



Description: It is estimated that worldwide, there are 100,000 people with cystic fibrosis (pwCF), a genetic-disease which reduces lung function and has historically led to significantly decreased healthspans. Chronic lung infections of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in pwCF are tied with worse health outcomes, and often present as biofilms, a mode of bacterial life which can confer antibiotic recalcitrance. One hypothesized mechanism for this recalcitrance is diffusion-limitations, which theorizes physical interactions between antibiotics and the biofilm extra-cellular matrix cause reduced antibiotic efficacy. Our research aims to investigate this mechanism by proposing new physical models which replicate existing experimental evidence for this hypothesis, performing our own experimental investigations in synthetic biofilm analogues, and running physical simulations to test model predictions in these experimental systems.

About the speaker: Josh is a 5th-yr PhD student in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Duke University.  His research interests include a broad range of mathematical modelling subjects and approaches, ranging from finite-element simulations of microscale transport of nanoparticles in bacterial biofilms to mechanistic modelling of macroscale transport of nutrients in surface waters. He combines this physics-based modelling approach with confocal microscopy expertise to bridge the experimental and theoretical divide in bacterial transport modelling. He is pursuing a career as a public servant, having been selected as a 2024 Presidential Management Fellows Program Finalist.

Thursday, April 18, 2024, 12:00-1:15pm Eastern

Field Auditorium, Room 1112, Grainger Hall (9 Circuit Drive, Durham, NC)

This seminar will also be presented live via Panopto. Click HERE to join the livestream.

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