Recently published in Environmental Science & Technology, analysis by Stapleton’s co-author, Duke PhD student Mingliang Fang, showed that 28 of 30 semi-volatile compounds commonly found in indoor dust were “weak or moderate” PPARgamma agonists – meaning they could bind to and activate the receptor.
ITEHP grad students are invited to attend a Non-Academic Career Workshop for School of Medicine biomedical graduate students on June 2, 2015. The workshop will be from 9:30 am -2:30 pm in the Great Hall at the Trent Semans Center. The day’s events include two speaker sessions and a networking […]
Join us in Field Auditorium at 10:30AM on Thursday, May 7th for a special presentation by UC Riverside professor, Dr. Daniel Schlenk. Dr. Schlenk’s talk is titled, “Developmental windows and mechanisms of salinity-enhanced toxicity of selenium in euryhaline fish.”
Dr. Richard Di Giulio, Director of the ITEHP, was a featured guest on today’s Radio In Vivo show hosted by Ernie Hood. Dr. Di Giulio shared his research as well as programmatic information about the Duke Superfund Research Center and the ITEHP. For a listen of the interview, please follow […]
Congratulations to ITEHP faculty member, Avner Vengosh for a recently published study that was selected as one of the best published pieces of 2015 by Environmental Science & Technology. The review looked at the potential risks to water resources by unconventional shale gas development and hydraulic fracturing. The paper received a […]
Congratulations to Lauren Wyatt, who was just featured in the Spring 2015 edition of the Duke Environment Magazine. Lauren shares her experiences as a student at Duke and how her doctoral work combines her interests in toxicology and public health! Check it out here!
Please join us this Friday, April 22nd for ITEHP Doctoral student, Edward Zhu’s presentation titled, “Circuit and behavior basis of egg-laying site selection in Drosophila“. The seminar will be held in Room 2101 of the Environmental Hall from Noon-1:20PM.
Here in the Superfund Research Center and the Integrated Toxicology and Environmental Health Program, we are celebrating Dr. Theodore Slotkin for his recently received, Society of Toxicology Education Award. To commemorate this accomplishment, we sat down to chat with Ted about some of his fondest memories in 45 […]
Check out our Spring Symposium 2015 tab for the agenda and registration information for our symposium scheduled on Friday, April 3rd.
A few weeks ago, Dr. Mamta Behl from the National Toxicology Program joined us for a Friday ToxSeminar. Ernie Hood from NIEHS writes about her presentation in this month’s Environmental Factor. Click link below for more details!
Congratulations to Jordan Kozal, 2nd year ITEHP student, for her Best Student Poster award at the 2014 SETAC North America meeting in Vancouver, CA. Jordan’s poster focused on her research of PAH cardiotoxicity in Elizabeth River, VA killifish.
Endocrine researchers explore dimensions of dose response By Eddy Ball, NIEHS NMDR — looking at dose response through the endocrine lens “The question is no longer whether nonmonotonic dose responses are ‘real’ and occur frequently enough to be a concern — clearly these are common phenomena with well-understood mechanisms,” Birnbaum […]
Cardno ChemRisk will be on-campus on November 21 for an Information Session and to conduct interviews. If you are interested in an interview during their visit, please email your resume to Dr. Marisa Kreider at by NOVEMBER 19. She will then be in contact with you to schedule an interview. All interviews will take […]
We’ve had a room change for next week’s (11/7) seminar with Daniel Brown. Please find us in the new Environment Hall, Room 2102. Same time! Questions: or
Congratulations to ITEHP graduate student Xiaoxing Cui for receiving 1st place in the student poster competition at the International Society of Exposure Science 2014 conference in Cincinnati, Ohio! Xiaoxing’s poster was titled, “Comparison of Free and Total Malondialdehyde as a Biomarker of Oxidative Stress.” There were over 40 students participating […]