Xiaoxing Cui (second from left) pictured with fellow award recipients.
Congratulations to ITEHP graduate student Xiaoxing Cui for receiving 1st place in the student poster competition at the International Society of Exposure Science 2014 conference in Cincinnati, Ohio! Xiaoxing’s poster was titled, “Comparison of Free and Total Malondialdehyde as a Biomarker of Oxidative Stress.” There were over 40 students participating in the poster presentation competition and Xiaoxing’s poster stood out among the rest. Congratulations, Xiaoxing!
Eleven ITEHP alumni presented a series of thoughtful and challenging career-focused talks to almost 75 attendees from Duke and other triangle institutions. […]
Charlotte Clark, PhD, and Elizabeth Shapiro-Garza, PhD, the directors of the Duke University Superfund Research Center’s Research Translation Core (RTC) and […]