ITEHP PhD student, Kate Morton, won the Irwin Fridovich Young Investigator Award (one of the top two scored abstracts/presentations at the 2024 meeting of the Society for Redox Biology and Medicine). Irwin Fridovich was a Duke biochemist famous for discovering and describing the important antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase. Her talk […]
Jessica Straehle
Friday, September 20, 2024 | Grainger Hall (9 Circuit Drive) | Field Auditorium (room 1112) Duke Nicholas School of the Environment, Durham, NC Please join us for flash talks from our Integrated Toxicology and Environmental Health faculty! This event is *FREE* to attend and open to all. Registration is required (see registration […]
In November 2023, ITEHP and ENV doctoral student, Kate Morton, won a Young Investigator Award at the Society for Redox Biology and Medicine Annual Conference in Punta del Este, Uruguay. Her research, titled “Investigating the Role of the Glyoxylate Shunt in Protection from Complex I Inhibitor-Induced Dopaminergic Neurodegeneration in C. elegans” […]
Rebecca Hoehn in the Stapleton lab Rebecca Hoehn, 3rd-year ITEHP PhD student, is the lead author of the now highly-publicized study, “Flame Retardant Exposure in Vehicles Is Influenced by Use in Seat Foam and Temperature.” Rebecca, in collaboration with researchers from Duke, Green Science Policy Institute, and the University of […]
At this year’s annual Society of Toxicology meeting, Shaza Gaballah, PhD candidate, won a graduate student travel award for her presentation in the Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology Specialty (RDTSS) Section. Shaza previously won 1st place at SOT for an RDTSS Student Poster Award in 2019. Congratulations, Shaza! Shaza Gaballah (left) […]
Join us on Thursday, April 4, 2024, for our Spring Symposium: Environmental Exposures and Kidney Health! In this symposium, speakers across multiple disciplines will discuss population health studies, animal models, and chemical exposures as they relate to kidney diseases. This symposium is free and open to all, but registration is […]