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Eleven ITEHP alumni presented a series of thoughtful and challenging career-focused talks to almost 75 attendees from Duke and other triangle institutions. Several opportunities for informal networking were included in the event which kicked off on Thursday, September 29th with four Career Affinity Group meetings in which current ITEHP students were […]
This Fall’s Symposium features Duke University ITEHP Alumni who will be discussing their own professional development and career paths. This event will be held in Field Auditorium, Environment Hall, Duke University on September 30th. You may register via the link https://goo.gl/forms/w68p5vbytHCBTcyV2 You may also download your own copy of the […]
ITEHP will welcome back 12 of its program alumni to discuss their career paths on September 30th in Field Auditorium. Stay tuned for the agenda and registration details.
Our Fall ITEHP Seminar series kicks off on September 2nd with a talk presented by NSOE Professors Charlotte Clark & Elizabeth Shapiro titled “Communication out of the box: Research translation and community engagement” Join us in Field Auditorium at Noon! The full series is posted here
Third year ITEHP, Nicholas School of the Environment PhD Student, Jessica Brandt has been awarded a 2016 EPA STAR (Science to Achieve Results) Fellowship in the amount of $132,000 for three years. The title of Jessica’s project is “Persistence of coal combustion residues in freshwater ecosystems and consequences for native […]
The ITEHP would like to congratulate ITEHP and Nicholas School of the Environment Alum, Dr. Pamela Noyes for winning an award for best postdoc publication at 2016 SOT. To read her paper, titled, “Advanced morphological-behavioral test platform reveals neurodevelopmental defects in embryonic zebrafish exposed to comprehensive suite of halogenated and […]
ITEHP Seminars are held each Friday in Field Auditorium in Environment Hall unless otherwise noted. All are welcome to attend! For the complete schedule, please visit the Seminar page here
Our sold out November 13, 2015 Fall symposium, The Toxicity of Power, brought together scientists, students, regulators and the concerned public to highlight specific toxicological problems from a range of energy producing activities and to discuss ways in which these problems can be minimized. For a summary of this event, […]
ITEHP faculty member, David Hinton has been honored as Water Conservationist of the Year by the North Carolina Wildlife Federation. In selecting David for this well-deserved recognition, NCWF cited him for his lifetime achievements as an environmental educator; his research on water quality in the Tar-Pamlico watershed; and his mentorship […]
Congrats to ITEHP, Nicholas School PhD student, Lauren Wyatt, who has just returned from Sao Paolo, Brazil, where she won a Student Poster Competition at the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) annual conference for her research on mercury exposure. Lauren’s winning poster, “Characterizing Temporal Mercury Exposure from Hair in […]
Recently published in Environmental Science & Technology, analysis by Stapleton’s co-author, Duke PhD student Mingliang Fang, showed that 28 of 30 semi-volatile compounds commonly found in indoor dust were “weak or moderate” PPARgamma agonists – meaning they could bind to and activate the receptor. https://nicholas.duke.edu/news/chemicals-house-dust-may-trigger-receptor-linked-obesity
ITEHP grad students are invited to attend a Non-Academic Career Workshop for School of Medicine biomedical graduate students on June 2, 2015. The workshop will be from 9:30 am -2:30 pm in the Great Hall at the Trent Semans Center. The day’s events include two speaker sessions and a networking […]
Our very own Cynthia Kuhn, Director of Graduate Studies, has earned a Golden Goose Award in recognition of her work on a federally funded study that has turned out to have a significant impact on society. Dr Kuhn and her collaborators received the award last week in a ceremony in […]
Registration is now open for the Fall 2014 Integrated Toxicology and Environmental Health Symposium which will be held on Friday, October 24th at the Searle Center on Duke’s West Campus. The topic for this Symposium is: Low Dose Effects / Non-Monotonic Responses of Endocrine Disruptors Please register HERE Agenda ITEHP […]