We are excited to welcome five new ITEHP students this fall!
- Christina Bergemann has her bachelor’s in Environmental Science and has been working for the past two years in the Meyer lab investigating how preconception exposure to toxicants alters mitochondrial function in offspring
- Beverly deSouza is joining us after graduating from the Nicholas School’s Master of Environmental Management program in May 2020, where she examined the toxicity of metabolites created during bioremediation of environmental contaminants
- Shaunacee Howell holds a Master’s in Biological and Biomedical Science and has worked as a lab manager and research technician in a toxicogenetics laboratory at North Carolina Central University for the past two years
- Ilaria Merutka has dual bachelor’s degrees in Biochemistry and Chemistry and most recently worked as a Research Assistant at Oregon Health & Science University, investigating Mycobacterium tuberculosis pathogenesis
- Samantha Murphy holds dual bachelor’s degrees in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and is a prior summer research intern with the Duke University Superfund Research Center
Christina Bergemann Beverly deSouza Shaunacee Howell Ilaria Merutka Samantha Murphy
Visit our Current Students page to learn more about all of our new and returning ITEHP students!