Tom Augspurger, PhD, was recently awarded the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Government Service Award. This award is given to a person in recognition of exemplary dedication and service toward promoting the collective application of environmental toxicology and chemistry to risk assessment in a government function, promoting programs that aid in the development of ecologically sound and acceptable practices and principles, and providing a forum for communication. With this award, it is clear that Augspurger has made clearly identifiable contributions in the environmental sciences, consistent with the goals of SETAC.
A 2006 graduate of ITEHP and the Environment PhD program at the Duke Nicholas School of the Environment, Tom is currently a Supervisory Fish and Wildlife Biologist with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and an Adjunct Associate Professor at North Carolina State University’s Toxicology program. He also serves as Chairman of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and Department of Health and Human Services Secretaries’ Science Advisory Board. He has over 50 publications to date.
Congratulations on this well-deserved honor, Tom!