ePack #5

Topics Featured: Academic Advising, Course Registration Timeline, Guides for Registration, Sample
Schedules Guide, and Stellic

Welcome to the fifth summer ePack!
Summer onboarding continues this week. We are less than a month away from the start of Orientation,
and we look forward to having you all on campus soon.

Fall registration starts this Friday, July 26. This week, two duplicate Course Registration virtual sessions
will be held. Attend one or both—the same topics will be covered at both sessions.

Diagnostic exam testing continues this week and ends on Monday, August 5. Check your Duke email for
the link to access the exam site in Canvas.

If you missed one of the earlier ePacks or want to view it again, ePacks are posted on the Onboarding Resources site after distribution.

Enjoy your summer!


Course Schedule: The Nicholas School’s Fall course schedule is available for download. The table view is at the top, and the list view is at the bottom. In the table view, hover over the course number to view the course title. We do not anticipate any significant changes to the Fall course schedule; however, the schedule is subject to change if needed. The university’s Fall 2024 course schedule is available in DukeHub.

Shopping Carts are open in DukeHub. The shopping cart is where you will put together the courses you are interested in. Once registration opens, you will move courses from your Shopping Cart into your registration record. Adding courses to your shopping cart does not mean enrolling in the course.

No faculty advising will occur during the summer before course registration. Registration guides and sample schedules by concentration have been provided in this ePack.

Eligible to Enroll & Holds: All new students have been marked eligible to enroll in DukeHub. However, if you have a hold on your account (or a negative service indicator) in DukeHub, this will prevent you from registering for Fall classes. Holds will appear on the main dashboard in DukeHub.

Course registration at the Nicholas School occurs in two tiers. In Tier One, students can enroll in up to 12 credits. In Tier Two, students can enroll in up to 16.5 credits. If additional credits are needed, the student must submit the course overload request form with advisor approval.

Tier One: Course registration in DukeHub for new students begins on Friday, July 26 at 7:00 AM (ET) and continues through Tuesday, August 20 at 11:59 PM (ET). In Tier One, new students can enroll in up to 12 credits. We encourage students to enroll in at least 12-13 graduate credits each semester, including one credit for the Program Area Seminar (ENVIRON 898). Students will enroll in the Program Area Seminar each semester, but only one credit will count toward the student’s degree requirements.

Orientation Week occurs Monday, August 19 – Friday, August 23. We expect new students to attend. Group academic advising meetings (by Concentration), individual advising, and certificate sessions will occur during Orientation Week.

Tier Two: Wednesday, August 21 at 7:00 AM (ET) through Friday, September 6 at 11:59 PM (ET), all students (new and returning) can enroll in up to 16.5 credits. If additional credits are needed, the student must submit the course overload request form with advisor approval. Students may continue to add and drop classes freely in DukeHub beginning July 26 through the end of drop/add, which ends on Friday, September 6 at 11:59 PM (ET).

Fall semester classes begin on Monday, August 26 at 8:30 AM (ET). 

Drop/Add Ends: On Friday, September 6 at 11:59 PM (ET), drop/add course registration ends in DukeHub. All Fall 2024 course registration matters must be completed by this date/time except for MBA courses at the Fuqua School of Business. The deadline is Friday, August 23 at noon.

Need help navigating DukeHub? There are several registration help guides posted on the central registrar’s office website. Note: The registration dates posted at the link above are for undergrads. MEM and MF students should follow the tiered registration dates outlined above in this ePack.


All course registration advising guides are available in Duke Box. Students are encouraged to read, review, and bookmark these resources before registration gets underway. The advising guides will be useful throughout the registration period.


The Sample Schedules Guide include required and elective courses in Fall 2024 for each Environment and Management Concentration combination. Gateway courses for the Concentrations are required, and we recommend that students take these courses in their first fall semester – unless noted otherwise. Each concentration combination includes three sample schedules.

Students are not obligated to adhere to the provided sample schedules. These schedules are meant to assist new students in creating their initial course schedules. Your faculty Program Chair or Academic Advisor may recommend other courses or pathways based on the student’s area of interest.

Elective course options have been provided to help new students start thinking about ways to round out their schedule in the Fall. Students are not limited to the elective courses in the Sample Schedules Guide. Duke University offers a robust list of classes each semester across various departments and professional and graduate schools.


Over the summer, faculty Program Chairs will assign academic advisors to each new student, except for students whose primary concentration is Coastal and Marine Systems (CaMS). Primary CaMS advisors are assigned later in the fall. CaMS faculty Program Chairs will serve as advisors during Orientation and through the end of the fall registration period.

At the beginning of Orientation Week, faculty Program Chairs will hold group academic advising meetings by concentration. Academic advisors will schedule individual meetings, small group meetings, or office hours with their advisees. Meetings with advisors can center on course planning but are not limited to this topic. Students are encouraged to use the time with their advisor to discuss their overall academic and professional goals, ask questions about interdisciplinary opportunities, and discuss any lingering concerns they might have before the semester begins.

By mid-August, each student’s academic advisor will be visible in DukeHub, and students will receive an advising assignment letter via their Duke email. View additional information about academic advising.


ICYMI! Last week, we introduced new students to Stellic, an online tool for tracking degree progress. Stellic uses a color-coded system to help students keep track of their degree progress. In Stellic, students can plan, and view completed and in-progress course requirements as well as the remaining courses.

Keep In Mind: Course registration occurs in DukeHub and not in Stellic. Once you enroll in a course in DukeHub, the course will show up on your Stellic record within 24 hours. The slide decks and recordings for the Stellic sessions are posted on the Summer Onboarding Schedule.


Join the Nicholas School’s 2024-2025 Slack Group. Join Now! 

Should you have trouble accessing any of the information on the Onboarding Resources site, please contact me directly.

Welcome to the Nicholas School and Duke University communities!

Erika Lovelace-Young | MSc | Registrar and Director of Professional Programs and Administration
Office of Student Services
Nicholas School of the Environment