Welcome to the Nicholas School!

The Onboarding Resources website is designed to help incoming Master of Environmental Management (MEM) and Master of Forestry (MF) students at the Nicholas School of the Environment get ready to enroll in the fall and begin their academic careers as a professional graduate student. It serves as a One-Stop-Shop resource for summer on-boarding. We encourage you to bookmark this page.

To navigate this site, click on the headings above to view a general overview of each topic. For additional information, hover over the heading to view the subtopics and learn more. Note: Some information at this site can only be accessed by Duke Network Identification (or NetID), which new students will receive once they confirm their plans to enroll in the fall.

We are Here for YOU!

The Nicholas School Student Services team cordially welcomes you to the Nicholas School of the Environment and Duke University communities. The Student Services team is co-located on the Durham and Duke Marine Lab Beaufort campuses. We will work with students in the MEM and MF degree programs throughout their academic careers on matters related to career and professional development, course registration, graduation requirements, and much more!

Student Services Teams


Durham, NC (main campus)
Suite A101 Levine Science Research Center
308 Research Dr.
Box 90330
Durham, NC 27708

Beaufort, NC (coastal campus)
Duke University Marine Lab
135 Duke Marine Lab Rd.
Beaufort, NC 28516