Joshua Prince

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Joshua Prince
Josh is a graduate student in the Systems for Engaging the Environment Lab headed by PI A-Andrew Jones in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Duke.  His research focuses on the interactions between biofilms and nanoparticles in both environmental and medical contexts, and has three major arms.  The first arm focuses on developing novel bacterial growth models for planktonic bacterial growth when exposed to metal oxide nanoparticle dispersions.  The second arm focuses on quantifying quantum dot accumulation in Bacillus subtilis biofilms using a combination of microfluidics and confocal microscopy.  The final arm focuses on higher-level ecotoxicological of nano-particulates in the environment by synthesizing common environmental fate and exposure modelling into a single framework.
Josh’s research interests include confocal microscopy imaging of bacterial biofilms, finite-difference simulations, modelling of bacterial growth, metal oxide nanoparticle preparation/characterization, quantitative environmental fate modelling, and application of mass-transport to nanoparticle contexts.
PhD Program: Civil & Environmental Engineering
Faculty Advisor: A-Andrew Jones III, PhD
2024-2025 Status: 6th year
Pronouns: he / him / his