Jones, Akhenaton-Andrew

Akhenaton-Andrew (Andrew) D. Jones, III, PhD
Pratt School of Engineering: Civil & Environmental Engineering, Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering, Duke Materials Initiative
Pronouns: He / Him / His
Prof. Jones’ research focuses on addressing global challenges in water and health using engineering and policy analysis. On the microscale this has included efforts exploring how bacteria and bacterial biofilms form and function under fluid, chemical, electrical, and nanomaterial stress. On the human scale, this includes creating better in vitro systems for modeling skin and vascular microbiomes and infections. On the population scale, this includes systems engineering analysis on how material technology systems can be deployed to increase equity.
Focus Areas:
- Environmental Health & Disease: Cardiopulmonary
- Environmental Health & Disease: Global Health
- Exposure Science
Profile: https://scholars.duke.edu/person/Akhenaton-Andrew.Jones
Lab Website: Systems for Engaging the Environment Lab (SEEL): https://seel.pratt.duke.edu/