How to conduct environmental health research for use in regulatory and policy arenas
Friday, February 17, 2023
Duke Nicholas School of the Environment, Durham, NC
Location: Grainger Hall (9 Circuit Drive), Field Auditorium (room 1112)

In this Symposium, speakers from different sectors will address different aspects of what academic environmental health researchers can do to increase the likelihood that their work will have an impact on policy and affected communities. This will include considerations of data and publication availability, experimental design, and outreach efforts.
This event is *FREE* to attend and open to all. Registration is required (see registration link below). We now have options for both in-person and virtual attendance.
Agenda (all times are Eastern)
9:15-9:30 am | Sign-in |
9:30-9:45 am | Welcome & Opening Remarks Joel Meyer, PhD (he/his), Professor of Molecular Environmental Toxicology, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University |
9:45-10:15 am | Background: The Power of Science-Informed Policy — and Policy-Informed Science Rashmi Joglekar, PhD (she/her), Staff Scientist, Earthjustice |
10:15-11:00 am | Science, Science Policy, and Policy: How research can inform decision-making April Neal Kluever, PhD, DABT (she/her), Executive Office of the President |
11:00-12:00 pm | Systematic reviews and considerations for study inclusion Xabier Arzuaga, PhD (he/him), Toxicologist – Office of Research and Development, US Environmental Protection Agency |
12:00-1:00 pm | Lunch (provided for registered attendees) |
1:00-1:30 pm | Using a systematic review and CompTox data Case Study: Environmental exposures and extracellular vesicles Julia E Rager, PhD (she/her), Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University of North Carolina School of Public Health |
1:30-2:15 pm | Making your work accessible: FAIR data in a regulatory environment Rebecca Boyles (she/her), Senior Director Data Modernization Solutions, RTI International Kira Bradford, PhD (she/her), Scientific Computing Principal Investigator, RTI International |
2:15-3:00 pm | Cumulative assessment approaches: Laboratory research informing multiple chemical exposures Justin Conley, PhD (he/him), Reproductive Systems Biologist, US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development |
3:00-4:00 pm | Beyond the research: Opportunities for academics to engage with policy-makers and NGOS Moderator: Chiara Klein, MEM (she/her), Program Coordinator, Duke University Superfund Research Center Community Engagement Core Confirmed Panelists: – Alexis Luckey (she/her), Executive Director, Toxic Free NC – Frannie Nilsen, PhD (she/her), Environmental Toxicologist, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality – Grady McCallie (he/him), Policy Director, North Carolina Conservation Network |
4:00-4:30 pm | Closing Remarks Joel Meyer, PhD (he/his), Professor of Molecular Environmental Toxicology, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University |
Register for in-person attendance HERE. Registration is free, but is required. There is no virtual attendance option.
In-person registration will close at 11:45 pm Eastern on Monday, February 13.
For our non-Duke attendees, we do have a limited number of parking passes available. If you would like to request a parking pass to attend the symposium, please contact our Event Coordinator. Passes will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, and may run out.
Location: Grainger Hall (9 Circuit Drive), Field Auditorium (room 1112)
- Google map (Grainger Hall may appear on map as “Environment Hall”)
Health & Safety Guidelines for Attendees
- Masking is currently not required. Symposium guests are encouraged to follow their personal preference and comfort level with regard to masking. All guests are expected to be respectful of each other and their personal masking decisions.
- Anyone with a recent COVID-19 diagnosis and individuals who feel unwell or have symptoms of COVID-19 or other respiratory illness should not attend the symposium.
**NEW: Virtual Registration
Register for in-person attendance HERE. Registration is free, but is required to receive the link. Virtual registration will remain open through February 17.
Upon registration, you will receive an automated email with the livestream links for the morning and afternoon sessions (links are unique for each session). Please keep this email, as the links will not be posted publicly.
If you have questions about this event, please contact our Event Coordinator.
This symposium is supported in part by the National Institute Of Environmental Health Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under the Duke University Superfund Research Program (award P42ES010356) and the Duke University Program in Environmental Health (award T32ES021432). Symposium content is solely the responsibility of the speakers and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.