March 27, 2025: Challenges and solutions to the plastic waste pandemic

Jason Somarelli, PhD

Assistant Professor in Medicine

Director of Research, Duke Comparative Oncology Group

Duke University School of Medicine



Description: This seminar will focus on the wicked problem of plastic pollution. This will include a discussion of the complexities of plastic as a solid polymer carrying a diverse array of chemical additives, an overview of the state of knowledge with regard to plastic as an environmental toxin, and a summary of ways in which we can start to solve this major public health threat. 

About the speaker: Dr. Somarelli is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine at Duke University. Dr. Somarelli serves as the Associate Director for the Triangle Center for Evolutionary Medicine (TriCEM). Dr. Somarelli’s research uses evolutionary and ecology paradigms to understand molecular adaptations to extreme environments. His work spans diverse topics, such as the molecular adaptations of whales to low oxygen conditions, the evolutionary pressures faced by cancer cells during drug treatment, and the evolution of microbes to use plastic as a nutrient source.

In addition to his scholarly activities, Dr. Somarelli is active as a mentor, leading multiple outreach and research training programs for high school students and undergraduates. He is the site director for a NCI U54 Cancer Systems Biology Consortium Outreach Core, director of the Duke Scholars in Marine Medicine undergraduate research training program, co-director of the Diversifying Research and Experiential Learning in Cancer Training (DIRECT) program, PRIME-Cancer, and Duke’s Health and Environment Scholars Program (HESP) for high school students. He has received multiple recognitions for his teaching and mentoring and is passionate about providing opportunities in science for students from groups that have been systematically prevented from careers in science.

Thursday, March 27, 2025, 12:00-1:15pm Eastern

Field Auditorium, Room 1112, Grainger Hall (9 Circuit Drive, Durham, NC)

This seminar will also be presented live via Panopto. Click HERE for the livestream.

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