Personal Life Resources

Personal Life Resources


Duke prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, sex, genetic information, or age in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, financial aid, employment, or any other institution program or activity.  Discrimination refers to the unfair or unequal treatment of a person or group based on factors like age or race.  To learn who to contact if you feel like you’ve been subjected to prohibited discrimination or if you have questions about the policy, click HERE.


Duke Office for Institutional Equity (OIE)

Duke aspires to create a community built on collaboration, innovation, creativity, and belonging.  To achieve this, it is essential that all members of the community feel secure and welcome, that the contributions of all individuals are respected, and that all voices are heard.  The Duke Office for Institutional Equity (OIE) is dedicated to serving the Duke communities through diversity, inclusion, affirmative action, employment equity, harassment prevention, and other work-related initiatives focused on the quality of life and effort at Duke.  The Duke OIE offers a range of services that uphold values of equity and diversity as well as support compliance efforts in the areas of equal opportunity, affirmative action, and harassment prevention.

The Duke OIE has ombudspeople who offer neutral and confidential guidance on a variety of issues for all students and faculty at Duke.  Some of the primary roles of the ombudsperson include providing a neutral, safe, and confidential environment to talk in; listening to concerns and complains and discussing appropriate options; assisting students in resolving problems and mediating conflicts.  To learn more and to contact your ombudsperson, click HERE.

Visit the Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Services site for more information on how they can help the Duke Community create a climate where everyone feels valued, respected, and included.


Access & Accommodations

The Nicholas School is committed to supporting equal opportunity employment opportunities and reasonable accommodations for students, employees, and visitors with disabilities.  The Nicholas School is also committed to creating a space that is free from discrimination based on disability.  It is essential that everyone have the opportunity to learn and work in a safe and inclusive environment.  To learn more about the Nicholas School’s Access and Accommodations policy, click HERE

The Student Disability Access Office (SDAO) is the office on campus that has been charged with and is committed to providing educational opportunities for students with disabilities in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008.  Services and accommodations are provided to students with a variety of disabilities including, but not limited to, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders, blindness/low vision, deafness/hard of hearing, learning disabilities, psychological disorders (including Autism Spectrum disorders), mobility, and chronic health as well as other medical conditions.  Student requests for reasonable accommodations for a disability are submitted to the SDAO through the Duke Disability Management System.


Harassment & Sexual Misconduct

Harassment is unwelcome conduct that is serious enough to significantly interfere with an individual’s work, education, living conditions, or participation in university programs and activities.  It includes harassment based on age, color, disability, national original, gender or sex, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, race, religion, veteran status, or sexual orientation.  It also includes sexual harassment.

The Nicholas School of the Environment Policy abides by Duke University’s anti-harassment policy.  Duke has in place explicit and clear prohibitions against harassment.  Individuals have the right to come forward with concerns or complaints and Duke Policies prohibit retaliation against them for doing so.

If you need more information or believe you are being harassed by a professor or staff member, please go HERE.

For information about sexual harassment or sexual violence, please visit the Duke Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response site.

The Nicholas School of the Environment (NSOE) strives to demonstrate respect and dignity in all of our interactions. NSOE is committed to creating a space that is free from all forms of unlawful harassment, including sexual harassment, sexual violence, and other forms of misconduct, as well as unwelcoming behavior in our community.  Read more about the NSOE Anti-harassment and Sexual Misconduct policy HERE.

ITEHP has Harassment Prevention Advisors (HPAs) who have been trained to help students with harassment concerns or complaints, including those involving Title IX (sexual misconduct).  The current HPAs for ITEHP program include:

  • Joel Meyer, Director of Graduate Studies (DGS): Phone: 919-613-8109, Email:

Additional Nicholas School HPAs are listed on this page (Scroll to section: Allies for students and employees within the Nicholas School Community)

NOTE: When responding to harassment concerns or complaints, HPAs are unable to guarantee confidentiality. If you are seeking confidential support for gender violence (sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, sexual harassment), contact the Duke Women’s Center at 919-684-3897 or 919-970-2108 after hours.


Students in Need or Distress: DukeReach

DukeReach directs faculty, staff, parents, and others to the resources available to help a student in need.  If you are concerned about a fellow student’s health or behavior (including your own), you can share those concerns in several ways:

  • For Emergencies, call Duke Police (DUPD) at 919-684-2444, or dial 9-1-1. This number will be answered by Duke Police on campus, and by Durham Police off campus. For emergencies after business hours, you can also call the Dean on-call (DOC) pager at 919-970-4169.  The DOC pager may not accept international numberse; if you are calling from an international number, please call DUPD directly at 919-684-2444.
  • During business hours, you may contact DukeReach at 919-681-2455 or They will connect you to the proper resources.
  • If you are concerned about a student’s health or behavior, please complete a DukeReach report via the web or call 919-681-2455.

Though there is no Duke suicide hotline, Duke Police can be reached 24/7 for assistance by calling 911 from any Duke phone or by dialing 919-684-2444 and asking to be connected to the Duke Police.  The Dean on-Call and Residence Coordinator on-Call are available 24/7 to respond to students in crisis, and will consult with the Counseling and Psychological (CAPS) on-call team for students expressing suicidal ideation.

A student experiencing a clinical emergency after regular business hours can contact the Duke University Paging Operator at 919-684-8113 and ask to speak with the Psychiatric Resident on-call at the Duke Hospital. During regular business hours a student may contact CAPS at 660-1000 and ask to speak with the clinician on consult. Resident Assistants and Duke Police can also connect students to psychiatric resources at any time of day.


Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)

Stress is a fact of life and is normal, expected part of graduate school.  But when you have too much of it or it lasts too long, stress can take a physical and psychologically toll on your health and well-being.  Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) helps Duke Students enhance strengths and develop abilities to successfully live, grow and learn in their personal and academic lives.  CAPS offers many services to Duke undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, including brief individual and group counseling, couples counseling, and more.  For more information, visit the CAPS website.


Student Health & Wellness

Duke Student Health is the primary source for a wide range of healthcare services for all Duke Students.  Please visit the Student Health site for more information about making an appointment, health insurance, physical therapy, and more.  You may also call Student Health at 919-681-9355.

The Duke Student Wellness Center provides all students with exceptional care and coaching, assists with health needs, and supports your path to greater personal success and happiness.


Women’s Center

The Duke University Women’s Center is dedicated to helping every woman at Duke become self-assured with a streetwise savvy that comes from actively engaging with the world.  The Center welcomes men and women alike who are committed to gender equity and social change.  Contact information to the Women’s Center can be found HERE.

The Women’s Center provides confidential crisis support for people of all genders who are survivors of gender violence, including sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking or unwanted contact, or harassment.

If you or someone you know has experienced gender violence, can call 919-684-3897, email, or visit the Women’s Center at 001 Crowell Building East Campus during office hours (M-F 9:00am-5:00pm) to speak to a counselor.  No appointment is necessary.

For CONFIDENTIAL gender-violence related support after-hours, call the on-call number: 919-970-2108.


Center for Sexual & Gender Diversity (CGSD)

Duke’s Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity (CGSD) strives to achieve an inclusive campus climate for students, staff, faculty, and alumnx with marginalized sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions through education, advocacy, support, mentoring, academic engagement, and providing space.  CGSD provides education and resource guides; promotes visibility, awareness, networking, and community; and creates access to student groups, programs, events, and more!


Graduate & Professional Student Council (GPSC)

The Graduate & Professional Student Council (GPSC) is the umbrella student government organization for Duke’s nine graduate and professional schools.  The GPSC serves as a resource for incoming and returning students in the areas of academic and administrative concerns, as well as social networking.  Some of the important GPSC resources provided for students and student groups include:

  • Community Pantry: Open to all graduate and professional students(located in the GPSC House, 306 Alexander Ave.).  The pantry is stocked with nonperishable foods, childcare items, school supplies, and gently used professional clothing. It is open Wednesdays 5:00-8:00 pm and Saturdays 3:00-6:00 pm. More information about the Community Pantry can be found HERE.
  • Emergency Travel Fund: Provides students with partial reimbursement for medical emergency or bereavement related travel
  • Lawyer Assistance Program: Provides students with legal counseling, risk reduction, and mitigation of legal issues
  • Resources / Funding for Student Groups

ITEHP has one GPSC representative each academic year, appointed in August.  The ITEHP GPSC representative for 2019-2020 is Dillon King.


Personal Finance @ Duke

Personal Finance @ Duke is a program designed to empower Duke Students and Alumni to make informed financial decisions today and be prepared for the financial responsibilities of tomorrow by providing them with financial management knowledge and skills necessary to navigate life events that affect every day financial decisions, discuss issues surrounding personal finances, and plan for the future.  The Office of Personal Finance offers seminars and one-on-one counseling sessions.  Contact Personal Finance @ Duke at or 919-660-3630.


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