Annual Student Evaluations

We encourage trainees and their mentors to have frequent, if not daily, contact. This is the norm at Duke University.  Our Trainee Review Committee oversees an annual review process with each ITEHP trainee, regardless of entry method into the program.  Faculty members meet individually or in pairs with each trainee to discuss progress, goals, and concerns.

The Trainee Review Committee functions in three capacities. First, they review  student progress to make suggestions for additional courses and discuss the relevance of the training each trainee receives to the goals of ITEHP. Second, the Committee serves in an advocacy role to provide guidance about coursework, the direction of thesis or post-doctoral research, and future career plans. Finally, these annual meetings provide an opportunity for trainees to give the Program important feedback about courses, training requirements, information dissemination, mentoring, and other issues that need continual adjustment to maintain a high quality program.