Spring 2018 Symposium: Breast Cancer & the Environment

“Breast Cancer and the Environment” – Spring Symposium
Friday, March 9, 2018
Field Auditorium, Environment Hall, Duke University West Campus
Sponsors: Duke University Superfund and Environmental Health Programs


The Syposium was recorded – click here to watch! 

8:30 – 9:00 am Check-In + Continental Breakfast/Coffee/Tea

9:00–9:15 am Welcome and Introductions

9:15–10:15 am Barbara Cohn, PhD (Public Health Institute): “The Pregnancy Exposome and Breast Cancer across Generations in the Child Health and Development Studies”

10:15–10:30 am Break

10:30–11:00 am Vanessa de la Rosa, PhD (Silent Spring Institute): “BCScreen: A targeted RNA-seq approach to profiling mammary toxicants”

11:00–11:30 am Alexandra White, PhD (NIEHS): “Airborne metals, breast density and breast cancer risk”

12:00–1:30 pm Lunch

1:30–2:15 pm Sue Fenton, PhD (NIEHS): “The mammary gland: a sensitive target to environmental endocrine disruptors”

2:15–3:00 pm Terry Hyslop, PhD (Duke University): “Next generation modeling of omics, environmental exposures and social determinants in breast health inequities”

3:00–3:45 pm Melissa Troester, PhD (UNC): “Toward an atlas for environmental breast cancer risk”

3:45–4:30 pm Gayathri Devi, PhD (Duke University): “Multi-Scale Model to Investigate Environmental Chemical Exposure and Breast Cancer Progression”

4:30–5:00 pm Wrap-up and Discussion

More information about the Duke University Superfund Research Center can be found here.