On Friday, September 29, at 12:00 pm in Environment Hall’s Field Auditorium, Dr. Andrea Baccarelli will present a talk entitled “Mitochondriomics and Epigenetics in Human Air Pollution Studies – New Findings and Methodological Challenges.” Dr. Baccarelli serves as the Environmental Health Sciences Department Chair and the Director of the Laboratory of […]
Monthly Archives: September 2017
Join us on Friday, September 22! A Superfund-themed symposium will be held in Environment Hall on Duke University’s West Campus from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. Bill Suk, PhD, Director of the Superfund Research Program at NIEHS, will give a keynote lecture to start the day. Investigators from each of the […]
The UPEH Application is now available online at The Duke Graduate School website! The deadline is December 8 (listed under “Integrated Toxicology and Environmental Health”) for Fall 2018 admission. Please go here for more information about the application process. If you have specific questions, please email Sarah Phillips.
Charlotte Clark, PhD, and Elizabeth Shapiro-Garza, PhD, the directors of the Duke University Superfund Research Center’s Research Translation Core (RTC) and Community Engagement Core (CEC), respectively, will present an overview of the goals and current research projects of the RTC and the newly-established CEC, with a focus on how […]