Dr. Gregory Goss from the University of Alberta, speaks at the ITEHP Spring 2014 Seminar Series this Friday, February 7th. His talk, titled “Nanoparticles: Much Ado About (Almost) Nothing”, will be presented in LSRC A247 from 12-1:30PM. We hope to see you there!
Yearly Archives: 2014
The National Toxicology Progam, US Environmental Protection Agency, and NC State University have coordinated to develop “a collaborative workshop on aquatic vertebrate models and 21st century toxicology.” This workshop will be held May 5-6 at North Carolina State University. The purpose of the workshop will be to explore, and discuss […]
Xinyu (Candy) Yang, an ITEHP PhD Candidate, will be speaking this Friday for our fourth seminar of the spring series. Her talk is titled, Mechanisms of silver nanoparticle toxicity in laboratory suspension and complex environmental media in Caenorhabditis elegans. We look forward to seeing you this Friday at […]
This week Mariah Arnold, an ITEHP PhD Candidate, will present Impacts of mountaintop removal coal mining in the Mud River, West Virginia: Selenium accumulation, trophic transfer, and toxicity in biofilms in fish for the ITEHP Spring Seminar Series. See you at Noon in LSRC A247!
Dr. Junfeng (Jim) Zhang, a new hire to Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment and faculty member in the ITEHP, will kick off the Spring 2014 Seminar Series with his talk, “Exploring How Respirable Particles Affect Health: From Real-world Observations to Laboratory Experiments”. Join us on January 10th from […]