Two postdoctoral positions are available through the Toxicology Training Program at the University of Arizona. This training program titled “Training in Environmental Toxicology of Complex Diseases” is supported by NIEHS (T32ES006694) and administratively housed within the Center for Toxicology. The primary objective of the Training Program is to train toxicologists to apply state-of-the art techniques to investigate mechanisms of environmental toxicity affecting complex diseases in various organ systems. See for faculty research interests and details about the program.
Eligibility: Students who have graduated with a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in basic or applied chemical or biomedical sciences may apply for this position. Only U.S. citizens or permanent residents are eligible for support through the NIEHS Training Grant.
Candidates with solid graduate training and a strong background in biochemistry, molecular biology, systems biology, or chemistry are encouraged to apply. Please submit a letter of interest and CV to For programmatic or scientific questions, please contact Dr. Serrine Lau, Director, Center for Toxicology (
Serrine S. Lau, Ph.D.
Professor and Director
Center for Toxicology
Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center
Member, AZCC, Bio5 Institute
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
College of Pharmacy
University of Arizona
1703, E. Mabel Street
Tucson, AZ 85721-0207
TEL: (520) 626-0460
FAX: (520) 626-6944