Shuqun Yang, ITEHP Graduate Student in Pharmacology and Cancer Biology, will be giving a talk this upcoming Friday, October 11th. The topic is “Cell Cycle Regulated Phosphorylation of the Telomere-associated Protein TIN2”.
Lunch will be provided at Noon in LSRC A247. We hope to see you there!
Shuqun Yang, PhD Candidate
A few reminders:
& Two upcoming ITEHP events require registration if you plan to attend:
- Oct 25: John Wise, Ph.D., University of Southern Maine
Of Whales and Men: Elucidating a Comprehensive Carcinogenic Mechanism for Chromium, a Global Environmental Pollutant
SEARLE CENTER LECTURE HALL, Friday, October 25 at noon (jointly sponsored by Duke Cancer Institute & ITEHP) REGISTER HERE
· Oct 31: Rapidly Emerging Nanomaterials: Insuring Human and Environmental Health (jointly sponsored by ITEHP, CEINT, and Duke’s SRC). You can find the agenda here and you may REGISTER HERE
Parking for non-Duke visitors is available most Fridays in the Bryan Center Parking Garage. Driving / walking directions to LSRC from parking garage are attached. We regret that parking cannot be guaranteed due to the high volume of events on campus. Bryan Center Parking Garage hang tag passes (cannot be used in hourly pay lot) are available from Eve Marion.