Academic Advising


Before Orientation, new students must enroll in at least 12 graduate credits during the summer. To help them choose their first 12 graduate credits, incoming students will receive an advising guide for their Concentrations. Please note that academic advising with faculty will not be available during the summer.


During Orientation Week, the faculty Program Chairs will lead Group Academic Advising Sessions by Concentration for incoming students. These sessions are designed to equip you with detailed information about your Concentration, enabling you to make informed decisions about your academic path. You will also finalize your course plan for the fall semester. Remember, you can modify your fall course schedule during Orientation Week until the end of the drop/add period, which occurs at the end of the second week of classes.


By mid-August, students can find the name of their individual academic advisor in DukeHub. The academic advisor will likely arrange small group meetings or office hours with their advisees to address their questions about the fall course schedule. While the main focus of the meeting will be on course planning, students are encouraged to take the opportunity to discuss their academic and professional goals, ask general questions about the university/school and the program, and address any concerns.

Please keep in mind that advisors have various teaching, research, and administrative duties. Therefore, it’s important to come prepared for your advising meetings. Some students develop close relationships with their advisors, while others only contact them around pre-registration times. In both cases, we want students to have productive and successful meetings with their advisors.

*Advisors for primary CaMS students will be assigned later in the fall semester. For early fall planning and course registration purposes, the CaMS faculty co-chairs will hold advising meetings/office hours with incoming students during Orientation.

No academic advising with faculty will occur over the summer.
Incoming students will be provided with a course registration advising guide for their Concentrations.


If you are experiencing any personal issues that may influence your ability to be successful academically, please make your advisor aware so they can provide support. They may redirect you to university resources, such as Counseling and Psychological Services, DukeReach, Duke Student Wellness, Office of Institutional Equity, etc.