Superfund at Duke has five cores that serve supportive roles to the research programs. Two of the cores serve as analytic resources to the 5 research projects, one serves an administrative role, and the remaining two are geared toward developing the skills of our students and communicating research beyond academia and engaging with partner communities.
Administrative & Research Translation Core (ARTC)
Director: Heather Stapleton
Deputy Director: Richard Di Giulio
Research Translation PI: Nicki Cagle
Staff: Jessica Straehle, Megan Hoert Hughes
The Administrative & Research Translation Core provides oversight and helps plan research, events, and activities. The core also facilitates coordination between research projects and support cores. The ARTC monitors scientific progress, budgetary and operational issues, research translation, and helps build capacity among Center personnel.
Community Engagement Core (CEC)
Lead Investigator: Elizabeth Shapiro-Garza
Staff: Chiara Klein, Megan Hoert Hughes
The CEC works with communities across North Carolina affected by environmental contaminants, especially those related to early life exposures to chemicals that may have later-life impacts. Learn more at our dedicated Duke Superfund community engagement website:
Analytical Chemistry Core (ACC)
Lead Investigator: Lee Ferguson
Co-PI: Heileen (Helen) Hsu-Kim
Staff: Abigail Joyce, Nelson Rivera
The Analytical Chemistry Core is integral in providing high-quality chemical analyses to all projects within Duke’s Superfund Research Center. Dr. Abigail Joyce serves as the ACC manager.
Research Experience & Training Coordination Core (RETCC)
Lead Investigator: Joel Meyer
NCCU Co-Investigators: Antonio Baines, Carresse Gerald
Duke’s Superfund Research Center has a strong desire to provide our students with the best training possible – in the classroom, in the lab, and in the community. The RETCC provides educational support for all the projects and cores of our program, and awards mini-grants to trainees.
Data Management & Analysis Core (DMAC)
Lead Investigators: Amy Herring
RTI Co-Investigator: Allie Gartland-Gray
The Data Management and Analysis Core provides support in comprehensive data management, FAIR code and data, and statistical analysis.