Communication Trainings

MP Revising and Editing Workshop:

A recording of an MP Revising and Editing Session held by NSOE Communications Studio consultants is available here.

Topics included: citations and references, paragraph-level flow and organization, sentence-level clarity and conciseness, the most common writing pet-peeves, and an editing technique called reverse outlining.

Don’t have 40 minutes? Watch a specific portion of the presentation:

During the session, students had the opportunity to workshop their MPs, so consider watching the video with a friend and swapping electronic copy of your MPs. Click here for the PowerPoint.

Duke University’s Thompson Writing Program offers a series of writing workshops for undergraduates, graduate students, and international students.

Duke University’s Center for Instructional Technology (CIT) also offers workshops that train students to create engaging presentations using the latest technology.

The Communications Network offers webinars and free videos on an array of communications topics including how to develop infographics and communications strategies.

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