Topics Featured: Assistantships, Connect & Chat, International Students, Orientation, and Summer Check-in
Welcome to the sixth summer ePack!
Orientation starts on Monday, August 19, so you will be on campus in a few short weeks to begin your graduate career. Exciting times ahead!
Tier One course registration continues through August 20 at 11:59 PM (ET), and Tier Two course registration starts on August 21 at 7:00 AM (ET). During Tier Two registration, you can enroll in up to 16.5 credits. For more details, check out the registration guides for new students.
The second testing window for the diagnostic exams begins on August 16 and ends on August 21. If you are eligible to test, no sign-up is necessary.
If you missed one of the earlier ePacks or want to view it again, ePacks are posted on the Onboarding Resources site after distribution.
I hope you’re enjoying your summer!
Orientation is one of our favorite times of the year, and it is our opportunity to welcome you to the Nicholas School of the Environment and Duke University communities. While important, academic sessions and course registration matters are just a part of the Orientation experience for new students. Orientation also allows students to build community within the first-year cohort, connect with returning students, and establish relationships with faculty advisors and staff administrators. As the semester unfolds, students can explore everything the university and the Nicholas School have to offer.
All new MEM and MF students are expected to attend and participate fully in Orientation Week, which occurs the week of August 19th. Students are required to attend the sessions flagged as mandatory. All sessions are in person and will not be recorded.
At the beginning of Orientation Week, faculty Program Chairs will lead group academic advising meetings by Concentration. Then, students will meet with their advisor on Monday or Tuesday afternoon. Academic advisors will hold individual or small group advising meetings or office hours with their advisees. Advising assignment letters will be shared on Monday, August 12, and include the advisor’s name and contact information. Feel free to reach out to your advisor directly. CaMS students will meet with the faculty Program Chairs for advising. Look for a link to sign up for an advising meeting.
Schedule of Events

Check out the Orientation Schedule!
Click the arrow next to the session’s time in the Orientation Schedule to see more details.
The Office of Student Services at the Nicholas School of the Environment leads the summer onboarding and Fall Orientation, and we look forward to working with you during your academic career.
Meet the Student Services Team
Preparing for the Week
- Dress comfortably and casually. The weather is likely to be hot, so plan accordingly. Stay hydrated, use sunscreen, and bring sunshades.
- You will likely move around often, so take a break when needed.
- Students must park in their designated parking space during Orientation. The school will not provide parking. Be sure to purchase a parking permit before you come to Durham, should you need one. The Parking and Transportation Office will mail you a permit in advance. The university offers many alternative transportation options to help you reduce your carbon footprint.
- To help us reduce waste, please bring a reusable water bottle and flatware if you have them. Compost, recycling, and trash bins will be available. Please dispose of waste properly.
- Always carry your Mobile DukeCard. You will need your Mobile DukeCard to access certain Duke buildings and for other purposes.
- Student Health will host an immunization event to help students meet immunization requirements.
- The Honor Code Orientation occurs during Orientation, and participation is mandatory. Students must submit the honor code statement after this session.
- We will not be printing copies of the Orientation Schedule to save paper. Please bookmark the link to the orientation schedule.
- Share your orientation photos and Have fun!
- Additional tips are linked at the top of the Orientation Schedule.
Orientation Champions
Get ready to meet our Orientation Student Volunteers, known as the Orientation Champions. These second-year student volunteers will greet you on your first day, participate in academic advising sessions, join you for lunches, and, most importantly, organize exciting social activities and outings. Although not all Orientation activities will be led by the student volunteers, many will be.
Meet Your Orientation Champions!
(Bios & Photos)
We have divided the incoming class into small groups led by an Orientation Champion to encourage broader engagement beyond your academic and professional interests. Each Orientation Champion will soon contact their groups to schedule a virtual and in-person meet-up on the weekend before Orientation begins (August 17-18). Look out for a ‘welcome message’ over the next two weeks.
The Orientation student volunteers want to be a resource for new students and to help make your transition into graduate school as smooth as possible. We hope you will use this opportunity to build community within your cohort and with students in the second-year class.

By now, you should have completed the following or have a plan to finish these things soon.
1. Secure housing arrangements and contact your roommate (if you have one)
2. Confirm parking and identify alternative transportation options
3. Finalize your health insurance plan
4. Submit immunization records
5. Upload official proof of completion of your undergraduate degree and prerequisites
6. Upload your photo and download the mobile app for your Duke MobileCard
7. Register for courses in Tier One
8. View additional tips for ‘Moving to Durham’
On Friday, August 9, Cindy Peters, Assistant Dean of Student Services, will host a virtual session for students with assistantships. Topics featured: how to apply for positions, expectations, the payroll process, and more. This session is intended only for students who have already been awarded an assistantship and will be recorded. A second assistantship session will be held on the first day of Orientation.
- Join the Assistantship Overview on August 9 at 3:30 PM (ET)
International students must check in with Duke Visa Services as soon as they arrive (i.e., before the start of Orientation). Registration with the Duke Visa Services office is required and involves two steps: Online e-registration and In-person check-in. Students must submit some information online through Terra Dotta and go to Duke Visa Services in person to present their registration documents.
All incoming F1 and J1 students should have received registration instructions in a separate email from Duke Visa Services. Should you have questions, please contact Duke Visa Services directly.

Join the Nicholas School’s 2024-2025 Slack Group. Connecting with other new graduate students can be a great way to build a support network and share experiences.
Join Now!
- August 6: Duke Gardens and Museum of Art, Day Trip, Register
- August 9: Assistantship Overview, 3:30 PM (ET), for Assistantship Recipients Only, NEW
- August 13: Durham Bulls Baseball Game, Day Trip, Register
- August 15-17: Immunization Event, Student Health, 9:00AM-3:00PM (ET)
- August 16-21: Diagnostic exams second testing window
- August 19-22: Orientation Week (attendance required)
- August 19-23: Immunization Event, Student Health, 9:00AM-3:00PM (ET)
- August 20: Tier One course registration ends at 11:59 PM (ET)
- August 21: Tier Two course registration begins at 7:00 AM (ET), enroll in up to 16.5 credits
- August 26: Fall classes begin at 8:30 AM (ET)
- August 29: Duke Women’s Soccer Game, Day Trip, Register
- August 30: Student Football Tailgate, Day Trip, Register
- September 6: Drop/Add ends for Fall 2024 registration
- September 14: Museum of Life and Science Brunch, Day Trip, Register
Should you have trouble accessing any of the information on the Onboarding Resources site, please contact me directly.
Welcome to the Nicholas School and Duke University communities!
Erika Lovelace-Young | MSc | Registrar and Director of Professional Programs and Administration
Office of Student Services
Nicholas School of the Environment