ePack #3

Topics Featured: Accommodations, Diagnostic Exams Site, Events Coming Up, Orientation RSVP, Tech Prep, and Stay Connected

Welcome to the third summer ePack!
The Nicholas School’s Student Services office will continue to use the ePacks to communicate important enrollment information with new students throughout the summer. Summer ePacks will be posted on the Onboarding Resources website after distribution.

Checkout the Summer Onboarding Schedule! The Summer Onboarding Schedule includes a series of self-paced activities, synchronous sessions, and recordings designed to prepare new students for the start of fall. Additions and changes to the summer onboarding schedule will be noted as New or Revised.

We hope that you’re having a wonderful summer!


At Duke University, we prioritize accessibility and are committed to building an inclusive community for all our students. The Student Disability Access Office (SDAO) works closely with each student to determine academic adjustments and provide auxiliary aids and services, also known as academic accommodations. These accommodations aim to remove barriers that may affect a student’s access to campus facilities, programs, and activities. To learn more about setting up services with SDAO, please contact their office directly at sdao@duke.edu.

Cindy Peters, Assistant Dean, Student Services, is the Nicholas School’s liaison with SDAO. Students are welcome to contact Cindy for more information; however, to start the formal request process, please follow the registration procedures provided by the Student Disability Access Office


All students must take and pass the calculus and statistics diagnostic exams, regardless of their concentration. Testing takes place in Canvas. Students who have completed prerequisite courses in calculus and statistics may take the diagnostic exams this summer, including the late testing window in August. Therefore, if you have not met the prerequisites to take the exams this summer, your next opportunity to test will be late Fall 2024.

Summer Testing Window: Monday, July 15 at 12:00 AM (ET) – Monday, August 5 at 11:59 PM (ET)

Students may take the exams at any time during the testing period. There will be a late testing period for students completing their prerequisites closer to the start of the school year (August 16-21). 

TIP: If you have completed the calculus and statistics prerequisites, we recommend testing between July 15 and August 5. Completing the exams during the summer will make for a smoother start to the school year, and you will not need to worry about testing during Orientation Week. 


  • Access Test Site: All incoming students have been granted access to the NSOE Diagnostic Exams Canvas test site. Check your Duke email for the access link.
  • Practice Tests: Students will find two practice tests on the Canvas site. All students can access the practice tests, which can be taken multiple times. However, once the testing window opens on July 15, only students who have satisfied the calculus and statistics prerequisites will be able to access the calculus and statistics exams.
  • Format: Exams consist mostly of multiple-choice questions, and calculators are not allowed. Exams are timed, and students have 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete each test.
  • Z Table: Download the Z table before you start the statistics exam and keep it handy. You will need the Z table for the statistics diagnostic exam.
  • Test When Ready: Wait to start the exams until you’re ready to test and check your internet connectivity before you begin. Once you start, you cannot stop the clock.
  • Failing or Exams Not Taken: If you fail or do not take the tests this summer, you will need to wait until a later term to enroll in courses that require calculus and statistics.
  • No Retesting in August: If you fail the diagnostic exams, your next opportunity to retest will be late Fall 2024.


All incoming MEM and MF students are expected to attend Orientation Week, which will occur the week of August 19th.
Sessions are in-person and will not be recorded. Required and optional sessions will occur that week.

We are in the process of finalizing the schedule of events, and we will circulate the Orientation schedule in July.

In the meantime, we need a few details from you for planning purposes. Please complete the Orientation RSVP Form by Friday, July 12. It should take less than 5 minutes to complete! 


In the Master of Environmental Management and Master of Forestry professional degree programs, students must be well-prepared for using various technologies in their classes and on special projects. Incoming students are encouraged to spend time getting familiar with these platforms over the summer and reviewing the fundamentals.

The tech prep resources are divided into three sections. Over the summer, incoming students should prioritize the tutorials in Part A—this section should be completed before Orientation.


Join the new Slack Group, Nicholas School MEM/MF 2024-2025, with the current students. Once you join, use the #introductions channel to send in a quick introduction, current students will be asked to do the same.

Join Now!

This Slack Group will be managed by the Nicholas School’s Student Council (NSSC) and other student leaders. If you run into any issues joining the Slack Group, send an email to student leaders: Aishwarya Patankar and Anisah Zarif.

Should you have trouble accessing any of the information on the Onboarding Resources site, please contact me directly.

Welcome to the Nicholas School and Duke University communities!

Erika Lovelace-Young | MSc | Registrar and Director of Professional Programs and Administration
Office of Student Services
Nicholas School of the Environment