The solution to (existing) pollution? Remediation.

Happy New Year, everyone!

After a nice holiday break, our bloggers at the Duke Superfund Research Center are back to business and ready to bring you more news and information about Superfund-related research and why it matters. We’ll start 2014 on a positive note – remediation. So for the next month or so, we’ll be writing about what remediation is and why we need it, our research, various remediation technologies that are out there, and real-world applications!

Topics to look forward to are

  • remediation-themed terminology and practices,
  • remediation (or the need for it) in your own backyard,
  • remediation at our own Superfund study site located on the Elizabeth River, VA,
  • guest-post by one of our trainees who is studying the efficacy of bioremediation techniques for cleaning sites contaminated with PAHs, such as those along the Elizabeth River.

Can’t wait for our next post? You can poke around the world of remediation by checking out the websites below.

  1. EPA’s Contaminated Site Clean-up Information website: learn more about technologies, contaminants, and issues. They also have a handy Citizen’s Guide to Cleanup Technologies Series.
  2. This (somewhat outdated) article on creative ways to clean up pollution.
  3. This group publishes an annual report of the top 10 most polluted sites and in 2009 they published this report on 12 cases of clean up and success. If the report text is in crazy symbols, try downloading it!
  4. This article on remediation.