On October 24th, Heather Stapleton’s lab hosted a virtual town hall to present results and implications of a study done in Pittsboro, NC and the Haw River that tested residents’ blood, drinking water, and river water for PFAS contamination. The event had around 100 people tune in on zoom, and another 30 or so via Facebook Live. The study found similarities between the contamination profiles of Pittsboro and Wilmington, NC. Follow up work with NC State researchers and their SRP are planned. You can learn more at the study website.
The recording of the town hall event is available here: https://duke.zoom.us/rec/share/uEWqVcwObNwbEAVhvc7UfivMsQL7dGmNy2j0BUP0poiSwtF_D9v2FU7nMRrMSzyZ.apruOjo4IGD9bSX_?startTime=1603547048000
The event was covered by local news outlets: