Facility Capabilities
Flow Cytometry
characterization (scatter/size and color/fluorescence)
sorting (cells and populations)
Cell Imaging
Transmission and Epifluorescence microscopy
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH, CARD-FISH, etc.)
BD Influx: High Speed sorting flow cytometer for advanced applications
BD FACSCalibur: Analytical flow cytometer for ‘routine’ applications
ThermoFisher: Attune Nxt: Analytical flow cytometer for high throughput applications
Zeiss Imager M1 epifluorescence microscope with Axiocam digital camera
Analysis Software
FlowJo, Cell Quest and Spigot Software Packages
bacterial and phytoplankton/algae enumeration
single cell sorting for genomic analyses
single cell or population sorting for microbial or phytoplankton isolation
population sorting for downstream bio(geo)chemical analyses
viral abundance
population characterization (e.g. abundance, size, cellular chlorophyll, live/dead, cellular DNA, cellular lipid, cellular protein, size-spectra of microbial populations, etc.)
many others…