Welcome to the Di Giulio Lab

Dr. Di Giulio serves as Director of Duke University’s Integrated Toxicology and Environmental Health Program and the Superfund Research Center. Dr. Di Giulio’s research is concerned with biochemical and molecular mechanisms of adaptation and toxicity in aquatic organisms, biomarkers for chemical exposure and toxicity, effects of chemical mixtures, interactive effects of chemical contamination and natural stressors (“multiple stressors”), and chemical contamination of sediments. Current work in his laboratory focuses on mechanisms by which polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and nanomaterials perturb embryonic development  in fish models (zebrafish and killifish), the evolutionary consequences of hydrocarbon pollution on free-living fish populations, and the ecological and human health impacts of mountaintop coal mining in West Virginia. Additionally, he has organized symposia and workshops, and written on, the broader subject of interconnections between human health and ecological integrity.