Nic School love

10 posts

Alex O’Neill, MEM-MF’19, uses geospatial tools to support land management at EPA

By: Emily Siegel Alex O’Neill, MEM-MF’19, a Nicholas Scholar and all-around go-getter, has quickly excelled in his career since graduating from the Nicholas School. As a program manager with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) National Geospatial Program, Alex has combined the technical coursework of graduate school with the wide range […]

New MF-MEM alumna dedicates career to protecting forests

Andrea “Andie” Kolarova, MF-MEM’23, enjoyed studying at the Nicholas School so much, she just had to come back. As an undergraduate student, Andie became interested in everything from corporate sustainability to marine biology. Early on in her academic career, she joined the Pimm Lab, researching hummingbird feeding behavior and publishing […]

Friends First

Friends First It seems that a lot of our Nicholas School students who became couples met during orientation. Liz Wexler met John Sullivan on the library tour during orientation, and then they ran into each other again on the bus for the tour of Duke Forest. While they were chatting […]

Reading, Writing, and Romance: Nicholas School Students Find Love

The Nicholas School has done a lot more than create the world’s next environmental leaders — it’s also created the world’s next great love stories. While pouring over books, talking excitedly about environmental policy solutions, or just hanging out at games and with friends, many of our students were also […]