Career Resources

DKU Career Service Team offers assistance to all Duke Kunshan students and alumni seeking to learn and use the essential skills needed to prepare for and develop successful professional careers.

One-on-one Coaching. Feel free to schedule a one-on-one coaching appointment to discuss your Resumes, Interview skills, Networking, Internships and job searches and career development.

Career Events and Activities. Participate in company information sessions, talks by guest speakers, networking sessions, career skills workshops, classes or club presentations, field trips.

Paragon One's Externship Programs. DKU Career Services is working with Paragon One to provide a remote externship option to students wanting such opportunities to gain professional experience.

The DKU Career Service Office Sakai page is the main platform where you can access all career-related resources. You can access job postings, career coaching appointments, and career-related materials to help you with your career preparation. For more information on Career Services at DKU, we welcome you to contact or visit Career Services in Innovation Building 3002 and 3003, at (0512) 3665-7318, at, or visit their webpage.

In Duke, you have access to career orientation and career services provided by the Nicholas School. In addition, you can have access to the Duke Alumni Linkedin group. Finally, for those that would like to find a job or internship in the US, you can use Duke Handshake.

Weekly Newsletter. Students will receive weekly email updates of career opportunities in China related to environmental and climate change affairs.

iMEP Alumni. As iMEP student, you will have access to former and current students. The objective of this group is to create a supportive community for iMEP students and graduates to share experiences, tips, job opportunities, etc. If you want to join the group, contact the iMEP program coordinator.

In this link, you will find a spreadsheet with different organizations, consultancies, and companies that are working on environmental affairs in China, as well as information about Ph.D. programs related to environmental affairs.

More Information

Access to Coursera

Access to Linkedin

Job Opportunities