Ali is interested in studying metabolism and biogeochemistry of aquatic ecosystems and developing innovative tools to perform these studies. He is particularly interested in studying the oxygen dynamics as a proxy for carbon cycle of both water column and benthos.
Ali received his undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering from the Buali Sina University, Master’s degree in Coastal Engineering from the Iran University of Science and Technology, and his doctoral degree from the Florida State University (Supervisors: Prof. Huettel and Prof. Berg) where he collaborated in developing a novel aquatic eddy covariance instrument for measuring benthic oxygen fluxes that he studied oxygen fluxes over coral reef sediments with. Ali is also an avid python coder and a data analyst, with a focus on geospatial and water quality data. He currently holds AAUS science diver and PADI dive master certifications that allow him pursue diving as a hobby as well as a professional skill. During his spare time, he enjoys long walks, and watching cooking shows.
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