The North Carolina Firefighter Cancer Cohort Study (NCFFCCS) is a long-term research study to investigate firefighters’ exposure to hazardous chemicals and associated cancer risk. It is part of the national Firefighter Cancer Cohort Study. This study will help us understand how firefighters are exposed to hazardous chemicals (including PFAS) during their work and develop strategies to reduce exposure to reduce these exposures.
To conduct this study, we will collect biological samples and survey data from participants and collect follow-up data every two years. We will also be using silicone wristbands to investigate which chemicals participants are exposed to in different locations.
This study is based at Duke University with support from North Carolina State University and in partnership with the North Carolina Fire Marshal.
Levasseur, J., Hoffman, K., Herkert, N.J., Cooper, E., Hay, D., Stapleton, H.M. 2022. Characterizing Firefighter’s Exposure to Over 130 SVOCs Using Silicone Wristbands: A Pilot Study Comparing On-Duty and Off-Duty Exposures. Science of the Total Environment, 834(15): 155237. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35447169/