Episode 46 – The Palestinian Keffiyeh: A Story of Food Sovereignty

This episode explores the topic of food sovereignty using the case study of Palestine. Tasneem and Porter examine the different elements of food sovereignty that can be seen in the Palestinian Keffiyeh and how they manifest in Palestinian’s culture and their economy. Finally, they look at policies that currently restrict those elements of food sovereignty. Part of the Conservation and Development Series.


Tasneem head shot

Tasneem Ahsanullah recently completed her Master of Environmental Management degree, specializing in coastal environmental management. Her Masters Project is a ‘A Global Assessment of Equity in Marine Protected Areas.’ Tasneem studied Biology with a focus in marine & freshwater sciences and received a certificate in Environmental Sustainability at the University of Texas at Austin. At UT she studied the environmental and policy implications of a proposed desalination plant and the deepening of a ship channel in Port Aransas, TX. After undergrad she studied amphibian diversity in Paraguay and terrapin conservation in Bald Head Island, NC. She is interested in small scale fisheries, coral conservation and community based environmental management. Her hobbies include wildlife and macro photography (Instagram: @tasneemphotography). 


Alison Stouffer head shot

Porter Porter is studying Environmental Science and Policy with International Comparative Studies. Porter spent her Spring semester of her junior year at the Marine Lab combining her enthusiasm for environmental research with her passion for international studies. She is very interested in Environmental Justice (EJ) and works as the EJ lead for Duke’s Undergraduate Environmental Union. Last summer, she worked as an Environmental Justice intern for the Environmental Defense Fund.



Series Host

Lisa Campbell head shot

Dr. Lisa Campbell hosts the Conservation and Development series. The series showcases the work of students who produce podcasts as a course project. Lisa introduced a podcast assignment after 16 years of teaching, in an effort to direct student energy and effort to a project that would enjoy a wider audience.