
16 posts

Family surprises environmentalist Mary Mapes with fellowship fund in her honor

When Mary Mapes visited Duke’s Nicholas School of the Environment on Friday, May 3, she thought she would be listening to her husband, Tim, participate in a panel discussion. Instead, she was greeted on the Grainger Hall rooftop with champagne and hugs from her family. Mary, an avid environmentalist who […]

Alex O’Neill, MEM-MF’19, uses geospatial tools to support land management at EPA

By: Emily Siegel Alex O’Neill, MEM-MF’19, a Nicholas Scholar and all-around go-getter, has quickly excelled in his career since graduating from the Nicholas School. As a program manager with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) National Geospatial Program, Alex has combined the technical coursework of graduate school with the wide range […]

For Marshall Field V and Abby Gerry, philanthropy and environmental stewardship run in the family

Giving back to support the environment is a family tradition for Marshall Field V and his daughter, Abby Field Gerry, T’02. Marshall served on the Board of Visitors of the Nicholas School of the Environment from 2000 to 2009, and ultimately served as board chair. When he left the board, […]

Nicholas School welcomes Board of Visitors, Alumni Council for Spring Meeting

Nearly 50 members of the Board of Visitors and Alumni Council met in Durham, N.C., on Thursday and Friday, March 21-22, to learn about ongoing research and initiatives at the school. The Nicholas School Alumni Council began the day at Grainger Hall with a welcome message from Council President Kira […]

New MF-MEM alumna dedicates career to protecting forests

Andrea “Andie” Kolarova, MF-MEM’23, enjoyed studying at the Nicholas School so much, she just had to come back. As an undergraduate student, Andie became interested in everything from corporate sustainability to marine biology. Early on in her academic career, she joined the Pimm Lab, researching hummingbird feeding behavior and publishing […]

Antarctic researchers Chuck and Maggie Amsler give back to place that drew them to the water

Chuck Amsler, T’80, met Maggie O’Leary while they were both undergraduates spending the summer of 1978 at the Duke Marine Lab. She introduced herself when she saw him carrying scuba gear, and they soon arranged to go diving together. When Maggie badly cut her leg on an oyster shell during […]