T.M. Barrett, V. Soarimalala, M. Pender, R.A. Kramer, C.L. Nunn. “Perceptions and Adaptive Behavior Among Smallholder Farmers in Northeast Madagascar.” PLOS Climate (forthcoming).
O.S. Rakotonarivo, P. Shyamsundar, R. Kramer, and N. Hockley. “Conservation Practice Must Catch Up with Commitments to Local People, for 30×30 Success.” Nature Reviews Biodiversity 1: (2025) 84-85.
M. Fleming, A. Bell, H.R. Harison, J. Herrera, A.B. Duthie, R. Kramer, & O. Rakotonarivo. “Impact of Price Shocks and Payments on Crop Diversification and Forest Use among Malagasy Vanilla Farmers.” Biological Conservation 302, 110915.
L. Kolinski, Barrett. M., Kramer, R. A., & Nunn, C. L. “How Market Integration Impacts Human Disease Ecology.” Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health 12 (2024): 229-241 eoae026.
T.M. Barrett, G.C. Titcomb, M.M. Janko, M. Pender, K. Kauffman, A. Solis, M.T. Randriamoria, H.S. Young, P.J. Mucha, J. Moody, R.A. Kramer, V. Soarimalala, & C.L. Nunn. “Disentangling Social, Environmental, and Zoonotic Transmission Pathways of a Gastrointestinal Protozoan (Blastocystis spp.) in Northeast Madagascar.” American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 185 (2024) e25030.
E.A. Albright, C. Coleman Flowers, R.A. Kramer, & E.S. Weinthal. ”Failing Septic Systems in Lowndes County, Alabama: Citizen Participation, Science, and Community Knowledge.” Local Environment 29(2024), 135-142.
R. A. Kramer, J.P. Herrera, M. Pender, V. Soarimalala, and C.L. Nunn. “Ecosystem Change, Market Participation, and Human Health in Villages Proximate to Parc National de Marojejy.” Malagasy Nature 17 (2023): 267-280.
E.O. Sills and R.A. Kramer. “Tiger Protection Brings Carbon Benefits.” Nature Ecology & Evolution 7 (2023): 969–970.
R. Kramer. Mobilizing Sustainable Finance for African Elephant Conservation. Paper commissioned by the Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, Geneva, May 2023.
K. Kauffman, C.S. Werner, G. Titcomb, M. Pender, J.Y. Rabezara, J.P. Herrera, J.T. Shapiro, A. Solis, V. Soarimalala, P Tortosa, R. Kramer, J. Moody, P.J. Mucha, and C. Nunn. “Comparing Transmission Potential Networks Based on Social Network Surveys, Close Contacts and Environmental Overlap in Rural Madagascar.” Journal of the Royal Society Interface 186 (2022): 20210690.
C.L. Nunn, A. Solis, S.O. Rakotonarivo, C.D. Golden, and R.A. Kramer, “One Health Research and Practice in Madagascar”, In The new natural history of Madagascar, ed. S. M. Goodman, pp. 247-250. Princeton University Press (2022).
J.P. Herrera, J.Y. Rabezara, N. Ravelomanantsoa, M. Metz, C. France, A. Owens, M. Pender, C. L. Nunn, and R.A. Kramer. “Food Insecurity Related to Agricultural Practices and Household Characteristics in Rural Communities of Northeast Madagascar.” Food Security 13 (2021): 1393-1405.
L. Olander, S. Mason, H. Tallis, J. Lamb, Y. Masuda, and R. Kramer, “Climate Change, Ecosystem Services and Human Health,” in J. Lemery, K. Knowlton, and C. Sorensen (eds): Global Climate Change & Human Health: From Science to Practice, 2nd Edition. John Wiley and Sons (2021).
N. Berlin Rubin, L. Mboera, A. Lesser, M. Miranda, and R. Kramer. “Process Evaluation of a Community-Based Microbial Larviciding Intervention for Malaria Control in Rural Tanzania.“ International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17.19 (2020): 7309.
E. Khandekar, R. Kramer, A. Ali, A., A. Al-mafazy, J. Egger, S. LeGrand, H. Mkali, M. McKay, J. Ngondi, “Evaluating Response Time in Zanzibar’s Malaria Elimination Case-based Surveillance-Response System.” American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 100 (2019): 256.
J. Cole, J. McDonald, X. Wen, R. Kramer, “Marketing Energy Efficiency: Perceived Benefits and Barriers to Home Energy Efficiency.” Energy Efficiency (2018) 11: 1811-1824.
Z.S. Brown and R.A. Kramer, “Preference Heterogeneity in the Structural Estimation of Efficient Pigovian Incentives for Insecticide Spraying to Reduce Malaria,” Environmental and Resource Economics 70 (2018): 169–190.
J. Bartlett, Cao, S., Mmbaga, B., Qian, X., Merson, M., Kramer, R. “Strengthening an Academic Global Health Network through a Partnership Conference.” Annals of Global Health 83 (2017): 630-636
R.A, Simmons, L. Mboera, M. Miranda, A. Morris, G. Stresman, E. Turner, R. Kramer, C. Drakeley, W.P. O’Meara, “A Longitudinal Cohort Study of Malaria Exposure and Changing Serostatus in a Malaria Endemic Area of Rural Tanzania,” Malaria Journal 16 (2017): 309.
D.A., Miteva, R.A. Kramer, Z. Brown, and M. Smith, “A Spatial Model of Household Fuelwood Extraction in Northern Uganda,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 99 (2017): 1008-1026.
S.K. Pattanayak, R.A. Kramer, and J.R. Vincent, “Ecosystem Change and Human Health: Implementation Economics and Policy,” Philosophical Transactions B (2017): 372:1722.
Z.S. Brown, R.A. Kramer, D. Ocan, and C. Oryema, “Household Perceptions and Subjective Valuations of Indoor Residual Spraying Programs to Control Malaria in Northern Uganda,” Infectious Diseases of Poverty 5 (2016): 100-113.
S.L. Macdonald, R.L. Lewison, S.E. Roady, R.A. Kramer, D. Rigling-Gallagher, and A.J. Read, “Comparing Stakeholder Perceptions with Empirical Outcomes from Negotiated Rulemaking Policies: Is Participant Satisfaction a Proxy for Policy Success?,” Marine Policy 73 (2016): 224-230.
R. Rahman, A. Lesser, L. Mboera, and R. Kramer, “Cost of Microbial Larviciding for Malaria Control in Rural Tanzania,” Tropical Medicine & International Health 21 (2016): 1468-1475.
D. Kim, Z. Brown, R. Anderson, C. Mutero, M.L. Miranda, J. Wiener, and R. Kramer, “The Value of Information in Decision-Analytic Modeling for Malaria Vector Control in East Africa,” Risk Analysis 37 (2016): 231-244.
C.J. Paul, R.A. Kramer, A. Lesser, C.M. Mutero, M.L. Miranda, and K. Dickinson, “Identifying Barriers in the Malaria Control Policymaking Process in East Africa: Insights from Stakeholders and a Structured Literature Review,” BMC Public Health 15 (2015): 862- 870.
R.A. Kramer and A. Lesser, “Sustaining the Gains Made in Malaria Control and Elimination,” Infectious Diseases of Poverty 4 (2015): 26-28.